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Dear Annie:亲爱的安妮:Daniel, the guy I've been seeing for two years, is a married man. I didn't know it until we'd been seeing each other for eig

标签: 时差 小时 时间:2012-04-17 编辑:beck

时差N小时:拒绝帮助 To Turn One's Back On
Body language-how we physically move and gesture as we talk-is an important part of English communication. Two people can say exactly the same words, but if

标签: 时差 小时 拒绝 帮助 时间:2012-04-16 编辑:beck

时差N小时:手边有很多事情 Have Too Much On One's Plate
When people go out to a restaurant, some prefer a buffet-style eating place, where you can go back to the food serving tables many times and take lots to eat o

标签: 时差 小时 时间:2012-04-13 编辑:beck

Dear Annie:亲爱的安妮:My sister-in-law,

标签: 时差 时间:2012-04-12 编辑:beck

时差N小时:吹牛 Blow (or Toot) Your Own Horn
Long ago, when kings, queens and emperors ruled many nations, they often had a system whereby others would announce their arrival in an impressive way. Especia

标签: 时差 小时 吹牛 时间:2012-04-11 编辑:beck

时差N小时:挖出真相 Get To The Bottom Of
When we want to investigate why something has happened, it is not enough to just look at the superficial connections. Instead, we try to discover the underlyin

标签: 时差 小时 时间:2012-04-10 编辑:beck

Dear Annie:亲爱的安妮:My son, Quentin, has always had a problem telling the truth. It started in kindergarten and became worse over time. He's a grown man

标签: 时差 小时 时间:2012-04-09 编辑:beck

时差N小时:不买账 To Not Buy That
When we go shopping, it is often easy to decide what we'd like to buy and what we want to disregard or leave for another time. Other times there is added p

标签: 时差 小时 时间:2012-04-05 编辑:beck

时差N小时:听到风声 Get Wind of It
A gentle wind can cool a summer day, but a strong wind can become a powerful hurricane of terrifying force. This idiom refers to something that floats lightly

标签: 时差 小时 听到 风声 时间:2012-04-01 编辑:beck

时差N小时:雪上加霜 To Add Insult to Injury
Imagine a situation where a person has needlessly been injured by another. The injured person is naturally hoping for some help. Instead, the cruel one who inj

标签: 雪上加霜 时间:2012-03-31 编辑:beck