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来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1.Where did John Key pull the waitress' ponytail?
a) in his office
b) in the street
c) on a train
d) in a cafe
2.What kind of campaign was there last year?
a) a charity campaign
b) an election campaign
c) a military campaign
d) a fundraising campaign
3.How often did Mr Key pull the waitress' ponytail?
a) two times every three weeks
b) once every three weeks
c) repeatedly
d) every week
4.Where could Amanda Bailey take John Key?
a) to court
b) to Australia
c) to the cleaners
d) to dinner
5.What kind of position was Ms Bailey in?
a) a seated one
b) a strong one
c) a powerless position
d) a powerful position
6.What words did Mr Key use to say he was joking?
a) monkey business
b) horsing around
c) donkey work
d) a dog's life
7.What did a women's rights campaigner say Mr Key had broken?
a) a plate
b) a record
c) the public's trust
d) the law
8.What job does Tracey Martin have?
a) deputy leader
b) CEO
c) equal rights campaigner
d) waitress
9.What kind of problems did Tracey Martin say John Key might have?
a) small ones
b) health problems
c) serious ones
d) financial problems
10.What did the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission say was not OK?
a) equal rights
b) touching people without permission
c) playing with ponytails
d) not apologising






