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Madam Chair:

The Chinese delegation thanks the Secretary General for the report submitted under this agenda item and associates itself with the statement delivered by Bolivia on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
Madam Chair,
At present, economic recovery of the world is slow and unbalanced. Humanitarian situation in some conflict areas are worsening. Public security of the world is under threat from the epidemics of Ebola. Global development is remarkably under-resourced. Developing countries face increasingly grave challenges in their pursuit of development. It is of great importance and necessity to further improve the operational activities for development.
In 2012, the General Assembly adopted Resolution 67/226 on Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review, which lays out for the UN development system and agencies clear requirements in the context of financing for operational activities of development, national capacity building, effective contribution to development, better efficiency in the functioning of the system, and follow-up and monitoring. It provides system wide policy guidance for the operational activities of the UN development system at headquarters, and at regional and national levels. Although some progress was made in the implementation of the QCPR resolution, it has yet to be implemented in a comprehensive manner. On this occasion, we urge all agencies in the UN development system to meet the requirements of the resolution in a steadfast and comprehensive manner. We wish to emphasize the following points:
1. Poverty reduction and promotion of development should be placed at the center of the operational activities. At present, there are still over 1.2 billion people living in absolute poverty around the world, of whom 1/3 are children. Poverty reduction therefore remains one of the biggest global challenges and therefore the United Nations development system should continue to put poverty reduction and promotion of development at the center of its activities, strengthen management and coordination, improve efficiency, and effectively help developing countries and countries in special situation, among them least developed countries in particular to achieve sustainable development. Relevant programs and funds should respect the principle of country leadership and ownership, enhance the relevance of their operational activities for development to integrate them into the development plan and priority of the developing counties as well as scale up input for the capacity building.
2. Both the total amount of resources should be increased and its structure should be improved constantly. The availability of sufficient resources and a sound structure are critical in the context of support for developing countries’ efforts to achieve MDGs and other internationally agreed development goals. Over the recent years, the downward trend in financing for development, the structural imbalance between core and noncore resources and fragmentation have seriously affected the capacity of the UN development system to carry out its functions effectively and caused great concerns among developing countries. The United Nations development system and agencies should continue to enhance the effort of financing, further deepen partnership, strengthen evaluation and audit and scale up more input in supporting development and capacity building.
3. The priority of development financing should continue to focus on honoring ODA commitment. Sufficient resources are the basis to ensure the implementation and delivery of goals. A more equal and balanced global development partnership should be established for common prosperity and development. North -South cooperation remains as the core of this partnership. At present, North-South Cooperation still serves as the main channel of international development cooperation and ODA is still the main source of development financing that cannot be substitute. The United Nations system and agencies should urge the developed countries to bear primary responsibility for development financing, truly honor their commitment of 0.7% of GNI for ODA and scale up assistance for developing countries, especially African countries and Least Developed Countries.
4. More support should be provided for South-South cooperation. In recent years, South-South cooperation has developed steadfastly and has become an effective means for developing countries to explore development activities, support each other and share success stories thus making significant contribution to international cooperation for development. Developing countries should further enhance South-South cooperation, help each other in the spirit of solidarity, and pursue common development. However, the agenda of South-South cooperation should only be led by developing countries. South-South cooperation is only a supplement to and should not replace North-South cooperation, which remains the core of international cooperation for development. United Nations development system and agencies should provide South-South cooperation with necessary policy and financial support while respecting the special features and principles of South-South cooperation, bring into full play the role of the UN Office of South-South Cooperation and the Envoy of Secretary General on South-South Cooperation, and create a favorable environment for the sustainable and healthy development of South-South cooperation.
Thank you, Madam Chair.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

replace [ri(:)'pleis]


vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处

relevance ['relivəns]


n. 中肯,适当,关联,相关性

integrate ['intigreit]


v. 整合,使 ... 成整体
adj. 组合

assistance [ə'sistəns]


n. 帮助,援助

constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

agenda [ə'dʒendə]


n. 议事日程

substitute ['sʌbstitju:t]


n. 代替者,代用品
vt. 用 ... 代替

implementation [.implimen'teiʃən]


n. 落实,履行,安装启用





