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时事译题:America’s bail-out plan美国的救援计划

来源:本站原创 编辑:Alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

The economics behind this is sound. Government support to the banking system can break the cycle of panic and pessimism that threatens to suck the economy into deep recession. Intervention may help taxpayers, because they are also employees and consumers. Although $700 billion is a lot—about 6% of GDP—some of it will be earned back and it is small compared with the 16% of GDP that banking crises typically swallow and trivial compared with the Depression, when unemployment surged above 20% (compared with 6% now). Messrs Bernanke and Paulson also have done well by acting quickly: it took seven years for Japan’s regulators to set up a mechanism to take over large broke banks in the 1990s.
支撑该计划的经济形势健康度还算好,政府对于银行系统的支持可以打破人们对经济深陷衰退所产生的恐慌和悲观的恶性循环。政府干预也许会帮到纳税人,因为他 们本身也是雇员和消费者。尽管7000亿美元是一个不小的数目,几乎相当于GDP的6%,但是其中的部分时可以被拿回的,并且与银行危机所吞噬掉的GDP 的16%比较而言就小了很多;如果与上世纪的大萧条相比就更是微不足道了,那时候的失业率飚升到20%,而现在只有6%。鲍尔森和伯南克也做到了该出手时 就出手:日本的立法者在90年代时用了7年时间才建立了接管破产银行的机制。

Could the plan be better structured? Some economists want the state to focus on putting equity into the banks—arguing that it is the best way to address their lack of solvency. In theory you would need to spend less, because a dollar of new equity would support $10 in assets. Yet the banks might not take part until they were on the ropes and, if house prices later fell dramatically more, the value of the banks’ shares would collapse. The threat of the government taking stakes would scare off some private investors. And in the charged atmosphere after this bail-out meddling politicians, as part-owners, would have a tempting lever over the banks.
这个计划得架构是否可以更优化呢?一些经济学家希望政府可以向银行注入更多的资本,因为他们认为这是清偿能力缺乏的最佳解决之道。理论上而言应该减少消 费,因为注资1美元可以支撑10美元的资产。然而银行存在着不撞南墙不回头的心理,那么如果房价随后会更夸张地下跌,银行股票将会彻底崩溃。政府介入行为 所引发的恐慌也许会吓跑部分私人投资者。政客们的干预计划造成了非常紧张的气氛,所以股东们有躲避银行的倾向。

Mr Paulson’s plan also has its shortcomings. He will find it hard to stop sellers from rigging auctions, if only because no two lots of dodgy securities are exactly the same. Taxpayers may thus pay over the odds and banks may be rewarded for their stupidity. Yet these costs seem small against the benefit of putting a floor under the markets. And fine calculations about moral hazard are less pressing when investors are fleeing risk.
鲍尔森先生的计划也有弱点:该计划很难阻止卖方的提价行为,除非有两个完全一样的dodgy securities(这个我没有查到)。纳税人会因为不对等的条件而要支付更多成本,而银行会从他们的愚蠢举动中获利。投资者在规避风险的时候,道德风 险的精准计算就不那么重要了。

If the economics of Mr Paulson’s plan are broadly correct, the politics are fiendish. You are lavishing money on the people who got you into this mess. Sensible intervention cannot even buy long-term relief: the plan cannot stop house prices falling and the bloated financial sector shrinking. Although the economic risk is that the plan fails, the political risk is that the plan succeeds. Voters will scarcely notice a depression that never happened. But even as they lose their houses and their jobs, they will see Wall Street once again making millions.
如果鲍尔森先生计划的经济效果还勉强的话,那么其政治效果就应该算是极差了;因为钱已经挥霍到把你带入混乱的人的身上了。如此理性的干预甚至都不能换来长 期的缓解:该计划不能阻止房价的下跌和过度膨胀金融业的缩水,经济风险在于计划的失败,而政治风险在于计划的成功。选民们不会注意到一个永远不可能发生的 经济衰退,尽管目前失去了房屋和工作,但他们还将看到华尔街的东山再起。

Buckle a little, but do it briefly

In retrospect, Mr Paulson made his job harder by misreading the politics. His original plan contained no help for homeowners. And he assumed sweeping powers to spend the cash quickly. He was right to want flexibility to buy a range of assets. But flexibility does not exclude accountability. As complaints mounted, Mr Paulson and Mr Bernanke buckled—agreeing, for instance, to more oversight. Now that Messrs McCain and Obama have returned to Congress to forge a deal, more buckling may be necessary. Ideally, concessions should not outlast the crisis: temporary help for people able to stay in their houses, a brief ban on dividends in financial firms, even another fiscal package. They should not be permanent or so onerous that the programme fails for want of participants—which is why proposed limits on pay are a mistake (see article).
回顾过往,鲍尔森先生对政治的错误解读给自己的工作平添了不少难度。他的计划原本不包括对房屋所有者的救助,并且假想出可以迅速作出支出的强大权利。他对 于购买资产灵活性的需求是正确的,但是灵活性也不能牺牲应有的义务。鉴于抱怨的日益增多,鲍尔森和伯南克决定收紧政策:比如同意加强监管。现在麦凯恩和奥 巴马也同国会达成了进一步收紧政策的共识。在理想主义状态下,让步不会比危机延续更长的时间:暂时帮助人们保住自己的房产,暂时中断金融公司的分红以及其 他一揽子财政措施。但是这不应该是长期行为,而且也不应该太过繁琐,否则就会因为缺乏参与者而导致计划的失败;这就是限定支付额度的错误根源所在。

Mr Paulson’s plan is not perfect. But it is good enough and it is the plan on offer. The prospect of its failure sent credit markets once again veering towards the abyss. Congress should pass it—and soon.





