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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第1章Part 16

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Sethe lay on her back, her head turned from him. Out of the corner of his eye, Paul D saw the floatof her breasts and disliked it, the spread-away, flat roundness of them that he could definitely livewithout, never mind that downstairs he had held them as though they were the most expensive partof himself. And the wrought-iron maze he had explored in the kitchen like a gold miner pawingthrough pay dirt was in fact a revolting clump of scars. 塞丝仰卧着,头从他那边扭开。保罗·D从眼角瞥见她的乳房在一起一伏,觉得不舒服。那两个松弛的、又扁又圆的东西他绝对不需要,尽管在楼下他那样捧着它们,仿佛它们是他最珍贵的部分。还有他在厨房里好像淘金者扒拉矿砂那样探查的锻铁迷宫,实际上是一堆令人作呕的伤疤。
Not a tree, as she said. Maybe shaped likeone, but nothing like any tree he knew because trees were inviting; things you could trust and benear; talk to if you wanted to as he frequently did since way back when he took the midday meal inthe fields of Sweet Home. Always in the same place if he could, and choosing the place had beenhard because Sweet Home had more pretty trees than any farm around. 不像她说的,是棵什么树。也许形状相似,不过可不像他认识的任何一棵树,因为树都是友好的,你能信赖,也能靠近它们,愿意的话还可以跟它们说话,多年前,在“甜蜜之家”的田里吃午饭时,他就经常这样做。可能的话,他就总在同一个地方;挑选地方是很困难的,因为“甜蜜之家”里漂亮的树比周围任何农庄都要多。
His choice he called Brother, and sat under it, alone sometimes, sometimes with Halle or the other Pauls, but moreoften with Sixo, who was gentle then and still speaking English. Indigo with a flame-red tongue,Sixo experimented with night-cooked potatoes, trying to pin down exactly when to put smoking hot rocks in a hole, potatoes on top, and cover the whole thing with twigs so that by the time theybroke for the meal, hitched the animals, left the field and got to Brother, the potatoes would be atthe peak of perfection. 他管自己挑的那棵叫“兄弟”,坐在它下面,有时是自个儿,有时是和黑尔或其他保罗们,但更多的时候是和那时还很温顺、仍旧说英语的西克索一道。靛青色的西克索长着火红的舌头,他在夜里烤土豆做试验,试着算准恰好什么时刻把滚烫、冒烟的石头放进坑里,搁上土豆,再用小树枝全都盖严实;这样,当他们拴好牲口、离开田地,来到“兄弟”那儿歇 晌吃饭的时候,土豆就会烧得恰到好处。
He might get up in the middle of the night, go all the way out there, start theearth-over by starlight; or he would make the stones less hot and put the next day's potatoes onthem right after the meal. He never got it right, but they ate those undercooked, overcooked, dried-out or raw potatoes anyway, laughing, spitting and giving him advice.有时他三更半夜爬起来,大老远地一路走到那里,借着星光开始挖坑;要么他就不把石头烧得那么热,一吃完饭便将第二天的土豆搁上去。他从来都算不准,但他们一样吃掉那些火候不够的、烤过火的、干干巴巴的和生涩的土豆,大笑着,一边吐出来,一边给他提修改意见。
Time never worked the way Sixo thought, so of course he never got it right. Once he plotted downto the minute a thirty-mile trip to see a woman. He left on a Saturday when the moon was in theplace he wanted it to be, arrived at her cabin before church on Sunday and had just enough time tosay good morning before he had to start back again so he'd make the field call on time Mondaymorning. He had walked for seventeen hours, sat down for one, turned around and walkedseventeen more. Halle and the Pauls spent the whole day covering Sixo's fatigue from Mr. Garner.时间从来不按西克索设想的那样走,因此他当然不可能算准。有一次,他掐算好了时间走三十英里路去看一个女人,行程精确到一分一秒。他在一个星期六等月亮升到固定位置就动身了,星期天赶到教堂前面她的小屋,只有道声早安的时间,然后他必须开始再往回走,才能赶上星期一田里的早点名。他走了十七个小时,坐了一个小时,掉转身来再走十七个小时。黑尔和保罗们花了一整天的时间在加纳先生面前为他的瞌睡打马虎眼。

Sethe lay on her back, her head turned from him. Out of the corner of his eye, Paul D saw the floatof her breasts and disliked it, the spread-away, flat roundness of them that he could definitely livewithout, never mind that downstairs he had held them as though they were the most expensive partof himself. And the wrought-iron maze he had explored in the kitchen like a gold miner pawingthrough pay dirt was in fact a revolting clump of scars.

Not a tree, as she said. Maybe shaped likeone, but nothing like any tree he knew because trees were inviting; things you could trust and benear; talk to if you wanted to as he frequently did since way back when he took the midday meal inthe fields of Sweet Home. Always in the same place if he could, and choosing the place had beenhard because Sweet Home had more pretty trees than any farm around.

His choice he called Brother, and sat under it, alone sometimes, sometimes with Halle or the other Pauls, but moreoften with Sixo, who was gentle then and still speaking English. Indigo with a flame-red tongue,Sixo experimented with night-cooked potatoes, trying to pin down exactly when to put smoking hot rocks in a hole, potatoes on top, and cover the whole thing with twigs so that by the time theybroke for the meal, hitched the animals, left the field and got to Brother, the potatoes would be atthe peak of perfection.

He might get up in the middle of the night, go all the way out there, start theearth-over by starlight; or he would make the stones less hot and put the next day's potatoes onthem right after the meal. He never got it right, but they ate those undercooked, overcooked, dried-out or raw potatoes anyway, laughing, spitting and giving him advice.
Time never worked the way Sixo thought, so of course he never got it right. Once he plotted downto the minute a thirty-mile trip to see a woman. He left on a Saturday when the moon was in theplace he wanted it to be, arrived at her cabin before church on Sunday and had just enough time tosay good morning before he had to start back again so he'd make the field call on time Mondaymorning. He had walked for seventeen hours, sat down for one, turned around and walkedseventeen more. Halle and the Pauls spent the whole day covering Sixo's fatigue from Mr. Garner.



他管自己挑的那棵叫“兄弟”,坐在它下面,有时是自个儿,有时是和黑尔或其他保罗们,但更多的时候是和那时还很温顺、仍旧说英语的西克索一道。靛青色的西克索长着火红的舌头,他在夜里烤土豆做试验,试着算准恰好什么时刻把滚烫、冒烟的石头放进坑里,搁上土豆,再用小树枝全都盖严实;这样,当他们拴好牲口、离开田地,来到“兄弟”那儿歇 晌吃饭的时候,土豆就会烧得恰到好处。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
covering ['kʌvəriŋ]


n. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的

perfection [pə'fekʃən]


n. 完美,完善

inviting [in'vaitiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,诱人的 动词invite的现在分词

fatigue [fə'ti:g]


n. 疲乏,疲劳,累活
adj. 疲劳的

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

garner ['gɑ:nə]


v. 贮藏,积累,得到 n. 谷仓 Garner: 加纳

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的





