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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第3章Part 12

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Not two?"“不是俩?”
"No. Not two."“不是。不是俩。”
"What Halle ever do to you? Halle stood by you. He never left you."“可黑尔又怎么你啦?黑尔总和你在一起。他从不撇下你。”
"What'd he leave then if not me?"“没撇下我他撇下谁了?”
"I don't know, but it wasn't you. That's a fact."“我不知道,反正不是你。这是事实。”
"Then he did worse; he left his children."“那么他更坏,他撇下了他的孩子。”
"You don't know that."“你可不能这么说。”
"He wasn't there. He wasn't where he said he would be."“他没在那儿。他本来说他会在那儿,可他没在。”
"He was there."“他在那儿。”
"Then why didn't he show himself? Why did I have to pack my babies off and stay behind to lookfor him?"“那他干吗不出来?我为什么还得把我的宝贝们送走,自己留在后头找他?”
"He couldn't get out the loft."“他没法从厩楼里出来。”
"Loft? What loft?"“厩楼?什么厩楼?”
"The one over your head. In the barn."“你头顶上的那个。在牲口棚里。”
Slowly, slowly, taking all the time allowed, Sethe moved toward the table.慢慢地,慢慢地,花了尽可能多的时间,塞丝挪向桌子。
"He saw?"“他看见了?”
"He saw."“他看见了。”
"He told you?"“他告诉你的?”
"You told me."“你告诉我的。”
"The day I came in here. You said they stole your milk. I never knew what it was that messed himup. That was it, I guess. All I knew was that something broke him. Not a one of them years ofSaturdays, Sundays and nighttime extra never touched him. But whatever he saw go on in that barnthat day broke him like a twig." "He saw?" Sethe was gripping her elbows as though to keep themfrom flying away.“我来这儿那天。你说他们抢了你的奶水。我一直不知道是什么把他搞得一团糟。就是那个,我估计。我只知道有什么事让他崩溃了。那么多年的星期六、星期天和晚上的加班加点都没影响过他。可那天他在牲口棚里见到的什么事情,把他像根树枝一样一折两断。”“他看见了?”塞丝抱紧两肘,好像怕它们飞走似的。
"He saw. Must have."“他看见了。肯定的。”

"Not two?"
"No. Not two."
"What Halle ever do to you? Halle stood by you. He never left you."
"What'd he leave then if not me?"
"I don't know, but it wasn't you. That's a fact."
"Then he did worse; he left his children."
"You don't know that."
"He wasn't there. He wasn't where he said he would be."
"He was there."
"Then why didn't he show himself? Why did I have to pack my babies off and stay behind to lookfor him?"
"He couldn't get out the loft."
"Loft? What loft?"
"The one over your head. In the barn."
Slowly, slowly, taking all the time allowed, Sethe moved toward the table.
"He saw?"
"He saw."
"He told you?"
"You told me."
"The day I came in here. You said they stole your milk. I never knew what it was that messed himup. That was it, I guess. All I knew was that something broke him. Not a one of them years ofSaturdays, Sundays and nighttime extra never touched him. But whatever he saw go on in that barnthat day broke him like a twig." "He saw?" Sethe was gripping her elbows as though to keep themfrom flying away.
"He saw. Must have."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gripping ['gripiŋ]


adj. 引起注意的 动词grip的现在分词形式

twig [twig]


n. 小枝,嫩枝 v. 理解,领悟

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的





