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时尚双语:美国卡通 亚洲翻创

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Cartoon Characters Get Local Makeovers In Asia

BIG ROUND HEADS and tiny bodies make the Powerpuff Girls instantly identifiable to their fans in America. The preteen karate superheroes star in one of the top-rated shows on cable's Cartoon Network.

圆圆的脑袋、豆芽菜般的娇小身材──美国动画剧《飞天小女警》(Powerpuff Girls)中三个小主角的这般形像,“粉丝”们一眼就能认出来。这三个十岁左右却会操空手道的小丫头是卡通电视网(Cartoon Network)热播节目中的明星。

Last year, though, the 'Powerpuff Girls' showed up in Japan with a whole new look. On 'Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z,' the heroines have grown up, sprouted long legs and wear skirts well above their knees. In the original American story line, the girls were created of sugar, spice and everything nice; their Japanese counterparts are normal girls who acquire super powers from a chemical reaction initiated by a rice cake.

去年《飞天小女警》在日本播出时,她们的形像却发生了翻天覆地的变化。在名为《飞天小女警Z》(Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z)的新版动画中,三个小女孩不但长大了,腿变长了,还穿上了超短裙。在美国版的故事中,三个女孩是用糖、香料等好东西创造出来的。而在日本版中,女孩们却是因食用年糕产生的化学作用而拥有了超能力。

Once, American entertainment companies exporting characters just dubbed them into other languages. But in recent years, Asia has become the testing ground for character reinvention, a process called 'transcreation.'


The idea is to help characters designed with one audience in mind to really resonate in another culture. 'Japanese kids can more easily identify with characters they can relate to,' says Yoshiya Ayugai, a producer for Time Warner Inc.'s Cartoon Network Productions Japan, who helped re-create the Powerpuff Girls.

此举是为了让原来针对某一观众群设计的角色形像能在其他文化环境下产生共鸣。时代华纳公司(Time Warner Inc.)旗下卡通电视网亚洲制作部的制作人Yoshiya Ayugai表示,日本的小孩更易于认同与自己有关联的角色。Yoshiya Ayugai曾参与重新设计《飞天小女警》的角色形像。

Marvel Entertainment Inc. and Gotham Entertainment introduced a transcreated 'Spider-Man' to the Indian market in 2004, although the original had been familiar there for a long time. There, Spidey's alter ego, Peter Parker, is known as Pavitr Prabhakar. Spidey gains his powers from a mysterious yogi rather than a radioactive spider. When fighting crime, he sports a traditional loincloth.

Marvel Entertainment Inc.和Gotham Entertainment曾在2004年针对印度市场对《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)形像进行翻创,尽管原形像已深入人心。在印度版《蜘蛛侠》中,主人翁的名字由彼得•帕克(Peter Parker)改成了帕维特•普拉哈卡(Pavitr Prabhakar)。而他超人力量的源泉,也从放射性的蜘蛛变成了神秘的瑜珈。并且其变身蜘蛛侠与邪恶势力战斗的造型中还穿上了印度的传统服装“斗提裤”。

Spidey also inspired one of the region's first transcreations. In 1978, the Japanese media company Toei Co. turned Peter Parker into a racing champion named Yamashiro Takuya, who wears a bracelet that gives him the powers of a spider. His alter ego, 'Supaidah Man,' controls a giant transforming robot to battle an enemy named Professor Monster.

蜘蛛侠也是亚洲地区最早一宗翻创案例的主角。1978年,日本东映公司(Toei Co.)曾将彼得•帕克改变成拥有蜘蛛超能力的赛车冠军西谷拓也(Yamashiro Takuya)。而东映版蜘蛛侠的超能来自一只手镯,故事中他操纵着一部能变形的机器人与怪兽教授(Professor Monster)率领的邪恶势力作战。

Sesame Street didn't arrive in India until the summer of 2006, as 'Gali Gali Sim Sim,' and introduced Boombah, an aristocratic lion fond of bhangra, a style of dancing seen in Bollywood films. Walt Disney Co. has had a hit in China with its 'Cuties' line of Mickey Mouse and friends featuring tiny eyes, button noses and the almost-not-there mouths of Japan's Hello Kitty. Sometimes the cutie Minnie even carries a cellphone. Disney came up with the design six years ago in Japan, and now it is a top seller among preteens in China who didn't grow up with the original Mickey.

《芝麻街》(Sesame Street)2006年夏季才登陆印度,名字变为《加利加利西姆西姆》(Gali Gali Sim Sim),并新加入了一只喜欢跳邦拉舞的狮子布恩巴(Boombah)。邦拉舞是印度宝莱坞电影中常见的一种舞蹈。华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)在中国推出了米老鼠系列卡通人物的“Cutie”版造型,带有与日本Kitty猫造型相似的小眼睛、纽扣鼻和小得几乎见不到的嘴巴。有时候 Cutie版的米妮(Minnie)造型甚至拿着部手机。此系列造型是6年前在日本设计的,如今已经成为中国最畅销的少儿用品系列。

Adults like Sarah Chen, a 23-year-old graduate student in Shanghai, like them, too. 'They are so cute and sweet, just like a little baby,' says Ms. Chen, who first discovered the Disney cuties online and eventually purchased a sweater with the modified Mickey Mouse on it.

就连成年人也喜欢Cutie版的米老鼠,比如在上海念研究生的Sarah Chen。今年23岁的她第一次在网上发现迪士尼的cutie造型时惊叹道:“这些造型这么可爱,就像小宝宝一样”。最后还买下一件带有Cutie版米老鼠造型的运动衫。

Most media companies acknowledge the need to localize their fare. While there is still a global audience for 'Tom and Jerry' reruns and Hollywood blockbusters, American imports don't top the TV ratings in most non-English-speaking markets. Transcreation nods to that need for local relevance.

大多数媒体公司都认为,有必要对产品进行本土化设计。虽然重播的《猫和老鼠》(Tom and Jerry)及好莱坞其他畅销动画片在国际上仍有市场,但美国卡通在大多数非英语市场的电视节目中都拿不到最好的成绩。适当的本土化改造仍有必要。

'There are very few things that work everywhere,' says Orion Ross, a vice president of creative at Time Warner's Turner Networks in Asia. 'Places with strong national identities, like Japan and India, need adaptation and change,' he says.

时代华纳旗下特纳电视网(Turner Networks)亚洲副总裁奥里恩•罗斯(Orion Ross)表示,放之四海而皆准的东西是很少见的。在如日本和印度之类有强烈国家认同感的地区,就有必要进行改编和调整。

For some time-tested characters, change doesn't come easily. Disney tweaked Mickey into 'Cutie' form but still insists that only Western women can play Cinderella and Snow White at Tokyo and Hong Kong Disneylands. A Disney spokeswoman says, 'These performers bring the animated roles to life and are therefore cast to most closely resemble the on-screen characters. . . . It's about remaining true to the original animated feature.'


The family of 'Peanuts' creator Charles M. Schulz, who died in 2000, forbids any changes to his comic strip. 'There is no adapting Peanuts,' says a spokeswoman for United Media, the New York company that distributes the feature to newspapers around the world.

像2000 年逝世的《花生》(Peanuts)漫画作者查尔斯•M•舒兹(Charles M. Schulz)就禁止对他笔下的角色(著名卡通形像史奴比(Snoopy)就是《花生》漫画的主角之一)作任何改动。拥有《花生》漫画造型版权的 United Media Ltd.发言人表示,不会有改版的《花生》出现

Sometimes, though, changes slip in under the radar. The Times of India printed the Peanuts strip with the dog Snoopy painted brown. After The Wall Street Journal asked about that, a United Media spokeswoman said it was a 'coloring error' that would be corrected. Now, Snoopy is white in the Indian newspaper.

有时候,改动是不易察觉的。在《印度时报》(Times of India)上刊登的《花生》漫画中,史奴比就曾经是灰色的。当《华尔街日报》记者就此事询问United Media发言人时,他称此乃“配色错误”,应该会纠正过来。现在这份印度报纸上的史奴比已恢复成了白色。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
animation [.æni'meiʃən]


n. 活泼,有生气,卡通制作

dramatic [drə'mætik]


adj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

inspired [in'spaiəd]


adj. 有创见的,有灵感的

overt ['əuvə:t]


adj. 公开的,明显的,公然的

creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

resemble [ri'zembl]


vt. 相似,类似,像

premise ['premis]


n. 前提
vt. 提论,预述,假设

concept ['kɔnsept]


n. 概念,观念

flop [flɔp]


n. 砰然落下,失败 v. 笨重的摔,猛落,笨拙地抛下





