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来源:北外网院 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

1. Issue: Excessive hair shedding 脱发严重

Each individual strand of hair has its own cycle, growing for six to eight years, resting for a few months, and then shedding. "About 10 percent of your hair is shedding at any one given time," Mirmirani says, pointing out that many things can interrupt the cycle and cause more hairs to shed earlier, including stress, fever, weight loss or low iron levels. If you're noticing more shedding than usual, examine your lifestyle to see what might have changed or consult your dermatologist for tests.


2. Issue: Hair that is dry and has lost its luster 头发干燥并失去光泽

"Hair becomes dry when the cuticle starts to break down and the inner fiber is exposed," Dr. Mirmirani says. Excessive heat can cause this--especially heat applied to wet hair. She recommends air-drying your hair partially before blow drying, and using a daily conditioner. Remember that hair fiber with color is more prone to damage, so be extra cautious if you color-treat your hair.


3. Issue: Brittle or easily breaking hair 头发变脆容易断裂

Some hairstyles can actually affect the health of your hair's bulb, Dr. Mirmirani says. She sees this a lot with hair extensions or ponytails pulled too tight, day after day. "Think of it this way, if you keep pulling on the bulb of a plant, eventually, you can damage it," she says. Take it easy when you're pulling your hair back, and don't brush your hair vigorously when wet. Use a wide-tooth comb and comb through gently. As for Marsha Brady's 100 strokes a day for shine? Not so much, Mirmirani says. The less brushing, the better.






