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来源:北外网院 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

6. Issue: Dandruff 头皮屑

Dandruff can be hereditary, but it's still a mystery what causes the flaky stuff. Daily shampooing is your first line of defense, but if the itchiness and flakes persist, try an anti-dandruff product. Dr. Mirmirani cautions sparing use of these products, however, because they are very harsh to your hair fiber. Try alternating the anti-dandruff product with regular shampoo until the dandruff clears up, and then switch back to your regular shampoo.


7. Issue: An unexpected bald patch of hair 意想不到的秃顶

You may have Alopecia Areata, which occurs when your immune system starts attacking the hair bulbs. It doesn't destroy it, but the bulb won't start to grow again until the attack is called off. According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, it affects five million people in the U.S. "It could be stress or it could be environmental factors -- we really don't know," Dr. Mirmirani says. It can happen one time or recur with some frequency. If you find a sudden bald spot, see your dermatologist.


8. Issue: Thicker hair than you've ever had before. 头发比以前更密

Either you're just super lucky, or you're about to have a baby. Sure, the hormones of pregnancy can make you lose your lunch, but they are also the cause behind the thick, lustrous hair you'll probably notice if you're expecting. When you're pregnant, your hair stays in a high state of hair growth, with only minimal hair loss. Enjoy it while it lasts!






