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来源:可可英语 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

5. “Wow. That’s great. You care about your… colon.”
Enhancing his musclesThey say that before you can ever love someone else fully, you have to love yourself first. That may be a little selfish but there is a hint of truth in that. Anyway, who would not love a person who wants to be healthy and look good. What is the top five easiest way to find the person of your dreams? Visit health stores and gyms.
Don’t be confused, though. It’s a health store, not a drugstore. You don’t want to be dating someone with herpes. Men and women who visit health stores care about their health and overall being — even when they do not feel sick. These are the type of people to tie the knot with — those who make sure that their hearts beat normally and their blood circulates well. These are the people who make sure that when they promise “forever,” they mean “a very long time.”
The gym is also a perfect place to find that darling. It is a room filled with the smell of sweat, hard muscles being stretched and active people who make sure they are physically fit. Doesn’t that turn you on? If not, then work out and someone will surely notice you and your discipline and determination to get fit.
The good thing about health stores and gyms is that even when you do not care about your health and physique, people think that you are a health buff just for being there. Who knows? Some customer might be looking at you, thinking exactly the same thing.
Why you should do it: Tight bottoms, six-packs, sexy curves… Why not?

5. “哇。太棒了。你在意你的。。。结肠。”






