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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Mr Dombey replies, 'Very much so.'

'And made up,' says Cousin Feenix, 'really young, you know, considering. I am sure, on the day of your marriage, I thought she was good for another twenty years. In point of fact, I said so to a man at Brooks's - little Billy Joper - you know him, no doubt - man with a glass in his eye?'“而且,您知道,她外貌修整得实在年轻;”菲尼克斯表哥说道,”说真的,在您结婚的那一天,我曾以为她还能再活二十岁呢。事实上,我当时就跟布鲁克斯商行的一个人这样说过--他叫小比利?乔珀,有一只眼睛戴单眼镜的,毫无疑问,您认识他吧?”
Mr Dombey bows a negative. 'In reference to the obsequies,' he hints, 'whether there is any suggestion - '董贝先生给了否定的回答。”关于葬礼,您是不是有什么建议--”
'Well, upon my life,' says Cousin Feenix, stroking his chin, which he has just enough of hand below his wristbands to do; 'I really don't know. There's a Mausoleum down at my place, in the park, but I'm afraid it's in bad repair, and, in point of fact, in a devil of a state. But for being a little out at elbows, I should have had it put to rights; but I believe the people come and make pic-nic parties there inside the iron railings.'“啊,我的天!”菲尼克斯表哥说道,一边敲敲下巴,他从袖口中露出的手刚好能这样做,”我实在不知道!在我的土地上的公园里有一座陵庙,不过我担心,它需要好好修理一下,事实上,它现在的情况是很糟糕的。要不是手头不宽裕的话,我应当把它修整得好好的;不过我相信人们还常到那里去,在铁栏杆里举行野餐。”
Mr Dombey is clear that this won't do.董贝先生明白,那里不适宜。
'There's an uncommon good church in the village,' says Cousin Feenix, thoughtfully; 'pure specimen of the Anglo-Norman style, and admirably well sketched too by Lady Jane Finchbury - woman with tight stays - but they've spoilt it with whitewash, I understand, and it's a long journey.“在那个村子里有一个少见的好教堂,”菲尼克斯表哥沉思地说道,”这是英格兰--诺尔曼风格的纯正的样本,简?芬奇伯里夫人--她是穿紧身褡的--还给它描绘过一幅精采的图画,不过据我了解,他们粉刷时把教堂糟蹋了,而且路途遥远。”
'Perhaps Brighton itself,' Mr Dombey suggests.“也许就在布赖顿举行,怎么样?”董贝先生建议道。

Mr Dombey replies, 'Very much so.'
'And made up,' says Cousin Feenix, 'really young, you know, considering. I am sure, on the day of your marriage, I thought she was good for another twenty years. In point of fact, I said so to a man at Brooks's - little Billy Joper - you know him, no doubt - man with a glass in his eye?'
Mr Dombey bows a negative. 'In reference to the obsequies,' he hints, 'whether there is any suggestion - '
'Well, upon my life,' says Cousin Feenix, stroking his chin, which he has just enough of hand below his wristbands to do; 'I really don't know. There's a Mausoleum down at my place, in the park, but I'm afraid it's in bad repair, and, in point of fact, in a devil of a state. But for being a little out at elbows, I should have had it put to rights; but I believe the people come and make pic-nic parties there inside the iron railings.'
Mr Dombey is clear that this won't do.
'There's an uncommon good church in the village,' says Cousin Feenix, thoughtfully; 'pure specimen of the Anglo-Norman style, and admirably well sketched too by Lady Jane Finchbury - woman with tight stays - but they've spoilt it with whitewash, I understand, and it's a long journey.
'Perhaps Brighton itself,' Mr Dombey suggests.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

uncommon [ʌn'kɔmən]


adj. 不寻常的,不凡的,罕有的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

reference ['refrəns]


n. 参考,出处,参照
n. 推荐人,推荐函<





