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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'I must have done something,' said Florence. 'Tell me what it is. You have changed your manner to me, dear Mama. I cannot say how instantly I feel the least change; for I love you with my whole heart.'

'As I do you,' said Edith. 'Ah, Florence, believe me never more than now!'“就像我爱你一样,”伊迪丝说道,”啊,弗洛伦斯,请相信我,我从没有比现在更强烈地爱你!”
'Why do you go away from me so often, and keep away?' asked Florence. 'And why do you sometimes look so strangely on me, dear Mama? You do so, do you not?'“为什么您时常离开我、回避我呢?”弗洛伦斯问道,”为什么您有时那么奇怪地看着我呢,亲爱的妈妈?您是这样的,难道不是吗?”
Edith signified assent with her dark eyes.伊迪丝用她的黑眼睛表示同意。
'Why?' returned Florence imploringly. 'Tell me why, that I may know how to please you better; and tell me this shall not be so any more.“为什么呢?”弗洛伦斯恳求地问道,”告诉我为什么,这样我好知道怎样更好地使您高兴。请跟我说,我们不应当再这样了。”
'My Florence,' answered Edith, taking the hand that embraced her neck, and looking into the eyes that looked into hers so lovingly, as Florence knelt upon the ground before her; 'why it is, I cannot tell you. It is neither for me to say, nor you to hear; but that it is, and that it must be, I know. Should I do it if I did not?'“我亲爱的弗洛伦斯,”伊迪丝回答道,一边紧紧地握着搂抱住她脖子的手,注视着那双十分亲热地注视着她的眼睛,这时弗洛伦斯跪在她的面前;”这是什么原因,我不能告诉你。这是我不应当说,也是你不应当听的。可是我知道;但事实就是这样,而且必须是这样的,这点我知道。如果我不知道的话,难道我会这样对待你吗?”
'Are we to be estranged, Mama?' asked Florence, gazing at her like one frightened.“是不是我们必须相互疏远,妈妈?”弗洛伦斯像一个受了惊吓的人那样注视着她,问道。
Edith's silent lips formed 'Yes.'伊迪丝无声地动了动嘴唇,作出一个说”是”的形状。
Florence looked at her with increasing fear and wonder, until she could see her no more through the blinding tears that ran down her face.弗洛伦斯怀着更大的恐惧与惊异,望着她,直到流到脸上的泪水迷糊了她的眼睛,使她看不见伊迪丝为止。
'Florence! my life!' said Edith, hurriedly, 'listen to me. I cannot bear to see this grief. Be calmer. You see that I am composed, and is it nothing to me?'“弗洛伦斯!我的命根子!”伊迪丝急忙说道,”请听我说。看到你这样悲伤,我受不了。冷静些。你看我是沉着冷静的,难道我做到这点是容易的吗?”
She resumed her steady voice and manner as she said the latter words, and added presently:她说最后几个字的时候,又恢复了镇静的与态度,并立即补充道:
'Not wholly estranged. Partially: and only that, in appearance, Florence, for in my own breast I am still the same to you, and ever will be. But what I do is not done for myself.'“不是完全疏远。只是部分地疏远。仅仅在表面上装装样子,弗洛伦斯,因为在我的内心,我对你仍旧和过去一样,而且将永远是这样。不过我这样做并不是为了我自己。”
'Is it for me, Mama?' asked Florence.“是为了我吗,妈妈?”弗洛伦斯问道。

'I must have done something,' said Florence. 'Tell me what it is. You have changed your manner to me, dear Mama. I cannot say how instantly I feel the least change; for I love you with my whole heart.'
'As I do you,' said Edith. 'Ah, Florence, believe me never more than now!'
'Why do you go away from me so often, and keep away?' asked Florence. 'And why do you sometimes look so strangely on me, dear Mama? You do so, do you not?'
Edith signified assent with her dark eyes.
'Why?' returned Florence imploringly. 'Tell me why, that I may know how to please you better; and tell me this shall not be so any more.
'My Florence,' answered Edith, taking the hand that embraced her neck, and looking into the eyes that looked into hers so lovingly, as Florence knelt upon the ground before her; 'why it is, I cannot tell you. It is neither for me to say, nor you to hear; but that it is, and that it must be, I know. Should I do it if I did not?'
'Are we to be estranged, Mama?' asked Florence, gazing at her like one frightened.
Edith's silent lips formed 'Yes.'
Florence looked at her with increasing fear and wonder, until she could see her no more through the blinding tears that ran down her face.
'Florence! my life!' said Edith, hurriedly, 'listen to me. I cannot bear to see this grief. Be calmer. You see that I am composed, and is it nothing to me?'
She resumed her steady voice and manner as she said the latter words, and added presently:
'Not wholly estranged. Partially: and only that, in appearance, Florence, for in my own breast I am still the same to you, and ever will be. But what I do is not done for myself.'
'Is it for me, Mama?' asked Florence.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
partially ['pɑ:ʃəli]


adv. 部份地,一部份地,不公平地

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

assent [ə'sent]


n. 同意,赞成 vi. 赞成

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

composed [kəm'pəuzd]


adj. 镇静的,沉着的

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

resumed [ri'zju:m, -'zu:m]


n. 履历;个人简历;摘要 vt. 重新开始;重新获得

grief [gri:f]


n. 悲痛,忧伤





