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'Dombey, I am rejoiced to hear it,' says the Major. 'I congratulate you.'“董贝,我很高兴听到这,”少校说道。”我祝贺您。”
'You will excuse - even you, Major,' replies Mr Dombey, 'my entering into any further detail at present. The intelligence is of a singular kind, and singularly obtained. It may turn out to be valueless; it may turn out to be true; I cannot say at present. My explanation must stop here.'“请原谅,少校,”董贝先生回答道,”甚至对您,我现在也还不能谈到详细的情形。消息是奇怪的,得到消息的方式也是奇怪的。它可能毫无价值,但也可能是真实的。我现在还不能说什么。我的解释就到这里为止。”
Although this is but a dry reply to the Major's purple enthusiasm, the Major receives it graciously, and is delighted to think that the world has such a fair prospect of soon receiving its due. Cousin Feenix is then presented with his meed of acknowledgment by the husband of his lovely and accomplished relative, and Cousin Feenix and Major Bagstock retire, leaving that husband to the world again, and to ponder at leisure on their representation of its state of mind concerning his affairs, and on its just and reasonable expectations.虽然对热情得脸色发紫的少校来说,这是个索然无趣的回答,可是少校有礼貌地接受了它,并高兴地想到,社会可以期望很快就能得到它应当得到的东西。然后,菲尼克斯表哥听到了他的可爱的、多才多艺的亲戚的丈夫表示感谢的话;然后,菲尼克斯表哥和白格斯托克少校起身告辞,把那位丈夫留下重新面对着社会;他在闲暇的时候可能思考着他们两位反映了上流社会对他的私事的一些看法和它的公正的、合理的期望。
But who sits in the housekeeper's room, shedding tears, and talking to Mrs Pipchin in a low tone, with uplifted hands? It is a lady with her face concealed in a very close black bonnet, which appears not to belong to her. It is Miss Tox, who has borrowed this disguise from her servant, and comes from Princess's Place, thus secretly, to revive her old acquaintance with Mrs Pipchin, in order to get certain information of the state of Mr Dombey.可是谁坐在女管家的房间里,举起双手,流着眼泪,在低声地跟皮普钦太太谈话呢?这是一位用一顶很窄小的黑帽子把自己脸孔掩藏起来的女士,那顶帽子看来不是属于她自己的。这是托克斯小姐,她从她的仆人那里借来这个化妆的物品,从公主广场来到这里,恢复她跟皮普钦太太旧日的交情,以便得到董贝先生的消息。
'How does he bear it, my dear creature?' asks Miss Tox.“他怎么忍受这打击呢,我亲爱的?”托克斯小姐问道。
'Well,' says Mrs Pipchin, in her snappish way, 'he's pretty much as usual.'“唔,”皮普钦太太用暴躁的态度回答道,”他跟往常一样。”
'Externally,' suggests Miss Tox 'But what he feels within!'“表面上是这样,”托克斯小姐提示道。”可是他心里是怎样的感觉啊!”
Mrs Pipchin's hard grey eye looks doubtful as she answers, in three distinct jerks, 'Ah! Perhaps. I suppose so.'皮普钦太太清楚而短促地回答道,”啊!也许。我想是这样。”这时她冷酷的、灰色的眼睛露出了疑问的神色。
'To tell you my mind, Lucretia,' says Mrs Pipchin; she still calls Miss Tox Lucretia, on account of having made her first experiments in the child-quelling line of business on that lady, when an unfortunate and weazen little girl of tender years; 'to tell you my mind, Lucretia, I think it's a good riddance. I don't want any of your brazen faces here, myself!'“跟你说句心里话,卢克丽霞,”皮普钦太太说道;她仍旧管托克斯小姐叫卢克丽霞,因为她就是这位女士压制孩子的事业中的头一批试验品,当时她是个不幸的、孱弱的、年龄很小的女孩子;”跟你说句心里话,卢克丽霞,我认为,除掉她倒是件好事。我这里不需要你这种厚颜无耻的女人!”
'Brazen indeed! Well may you say brazen, Mrs Pipchin!' returned Miss Tox. 'To leave him! Such a noble figure of a man!' And here Miss Tox is overcome.“真是厚颜无耻!您说得不错,就是厚颜无耻!”托克斯小姐回答道。”抛弃他!这样高尚的人!”这时托克斯小姐极为激动。
'I don't know about noble, I'm sure,' observes Mrs Pipchin; irascibly rubbing her nose. 'But I know this - that when people meet with trials, they must bear 'em. Hoity, toity! I have had enough to bear myself, in my time! What a fuss there is! She's gone, and well got rid of. Nobody wants her back, I should think!' This hint of the Peruvian Mines, causes Miss Tox to rise to go away; when Mrs Pipchin rings the bell for Towlinson to show her out, Mr Towlinson, not having seen Miss Tox for ages, grins, and hopes she's well; observing that he didn't know her at first, in that bonnet.“说真的,我不知道什么高尚不高尚,”皮普钦太太暴躁地擦擦鼻子,说道,”可是我知道,当人们遇到考验的时候,他们必须经受得住。哎呀!我本人这一辈子经受的考验真是够多的了!这有什么值得大惊小怪的!她走了,没有她反倒好。我想这里没有一个人想要她回来!”从秘鲁矿井发出的这个暗示使托克斯小姐站起身来告辞;皮普钦太太摇摇铃,让托林森领她出去。托林森先生好久没有见到托克斯小姐了,所以咧着嘴笑着,并祝她身体健康,同时指出,她戴了这顶帽子使他起先认不出她来了。
'Pretty well, Towlinson, I thank you,' says Miss Tox. 'I beg you'll have the goodness, when you happen to see me here, not to mention it. My visits are merely to Mrs Pipchin.'“谢谢您,托林森,我身体不错,”托克斯小姐说道,”我想麻烦您帮个忙,以后当您碰巧看到我在这里的时候,请别跟别人提起这件事。我只是来看看皮普钦太太。”
'Very good, Miss,' says Towlinson.“很好,小姐,”托林森说道。
'Dombey, I am rejoiced to hear it,' says the Major. 'I congratulate you.'
'You will excuse - even you, Major,' replies Mr Dombey, 'my entering into any further detail at present. The intelligence is of a singular kind, and singularly obtained. It may turn out to be valueless; it may turn out to be true; I cannot say at present. My explanation must stop here.'
Although this is but a dry reply to the Major's purple enthusiasm, the Major receives it graciously, and is delighted to think that the world has such a fair prospect of soon receiving its due. Cousin Feenix is then presented with his meed of acknowledgment by the husband of his lovely and accomplished relative, and Cousin Feenix and Major Bagstock retire, leaving that husband to the world again, and to ponder at leisure on their representation of its state of mind concerning his affairs, and on its just and reasonable expectations.
But who sits in the housekeeper's room, shedding tears, and talking to Mrs Pipchin in a low tone, with uplifted hands? It is a lady with her face concealed in a very close black bonnet, which appears not to belong to her. It is Miss Tox, who has borrowed this disguise from her servant, and comes from Princess's Place, thus secretly, to revive her old acquaintance with Mrs Pipchin, in order to get certain information of the state of Mr Dombey.
'How does he bear it, my dear creature?' asks Miss Tox.
'Well,' says Mrs Pipchin, in her snappish way, 'he's pretty much as usual.'
'Externally,' suggests Miss Tox 'But what he feels within!'
Mrs Pipchin's hard grey eye looks doubtful as she answers, in three distinct jerks, 'Ah! Perhaps. I suppose so.'
'To tell you my mind, Lucretia,' says Mrs Pipchin; she still calls Miss Tox Lucretia, on account of having made her first experiments in the child-quelling line of business on that lady, when an unfortunate and weazen little girl of tender years; 'to tell you my mind, Lucretia, I think it's a good riddance. I don't want any of your brazen faces here, myself!'
'Brazen indeed! Well may you say brazen, Mrs Pipchin!' returned Miss Tox. 'To leave him! Such a noble figure of a man!' And here Miss Tox is overcome.
'I don't know about noble, I'm sure,' observes Mrs Pipchin; irascibly rubbing her nose. 'But I know this - that when people meet with trials, they must bear 'em. Hoity, toity! I have had enough to bear myself, in my time! What a fuss there is! She's gone, and well got rid of. Nobody wants her back, I should think!' This hint of the Peruvian Mines, causes Miss Tox to rise to go away; when Mrs Pipchin rings the bell for Towlinson to show her out, Mr Towlinson, not having seen Miss Tox for ages, grins, and hopes she's well; observing that he didn't know her at first, in that bonnet.
'Pretty well, Towlinson, I thank you,' says Miss Tox. 'I beg you'll have the goodness, when you happen to see me here, not to mention it. My visits are merely to Mrs Pipchin.'
'Very good, Miss,' says Towlinson.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
concealed [kən'si:ld]


adj. 隐蔽的,隐匿的

hint [hint]


n. 暗示
v. 暗示,示意

acknowledgment [ək'nɔlidʒmənt]


n. 承认,承认书,感谢 =acknowledgemen

tender ['tendə]


adj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

reasonable ['ri:znəbl]


adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

unfortunate [ʌn'fɔ:tʃənit]


adj. 不幸的,令人遗憾的,不成功的

accomplished [ə'kɔmpliʃt]


adj. 娴熟的,有造诣的,完成的,有成就的,毫无疑问的

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物





