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Let's get right into the news.

As you know, yesterday, there were elections for a lot of political offices around the country, including a key race for governor of kentucky.
如你所知 昨天 昨天进行了很多政府官职的竞选 包括肯塔基州长的关键竞选
And president Trump went all-out to get the republican elected and had this to say two nights ago at a rally in kentucky:
特朗普全力促使共和党人获选 两天前他在肯塔基的集会上这样说
You got to vote. Because if you lose, it sends a really bad message.
你得投票 因为如果你失败了 它会传达一个很坏的信息
Now ... Good news, everyone. Bad message sent. The Democrat won.
伙计们 好消息 传达一个坏消息 民主党赢了
Now, i should say: it's close, and there might be a recount, but this is a bad sign for trump.
我应该说 接近赢了 可能会重新计票 但是这对特朗普来说是个不好的信号
I think the problem was that trump got a little confused.
我认为问题是 特朗普有一点困惑
He spent most of the rally saying how important it was for kentucky to reelect the colonel.
他大部分时间都在说 肯塔基重选一位上校有多重要
Trump really begged for votes because at one point during the rally, he actually had this to say:
特朗普真的求了特朗普 因为在集会上 他一度这样说
If you lose, they're going to say trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of world.
如果你失败了 他们就会说 特朗普遭遇了世界历史上最大的失败


This was the greatest. You can't let that happen to me!

最大的失败 你不能让这个发生在我身上
Oh, it happened. You let donald trump down, kentucky. Congratulations.
奥 它发生了 肯塔基你让川普失望了 恭喜
It was a really humiliating result for trump.
He endorsed the losing republican candidate. Or, as trump puts it "no, i didn't."
他支持落选的共和党候选人 或者 用特朗普的话说 不 我没有
In other election news from yesterday, Democrats took control of virginia's senate and house,
昨天在别的竞选中 民主党控制了 弗吉尼亚州的参议院和众议院
making this the first time they've enjoyed majorities in the statehouse since 1994.
这是自1994年以来 他们第一次获得州议院大多数人的支持
It's a historic moment. And i for one cannot wait to see how trump spells "virginia" on twitter.
这是历史性的一刻 我等不及要看特朗普要怎么在推特上拼写virginia了
Here's another little bit of election news. From state of virginia.
Do you remember a couple years ago when a cyclist lost her job after she was photographed flipping off trump's motorcade? This is the viral photo here:
还记得几年前吗 一个骑自行车的人被拍到向特朗普的车队竖中指后丢了工作 这是一张火爆传播的照片
Well, that woman ran for a seat on a local board of supervisors and yesterday, she won. Yes!
那个女人参加了当地监事会的竞选 昨天她赢了 是的
She did extremely well with young, educated voters and she completely swept the "road rage" demographic.
她得到了年轻人 受过良好教育的人的大力支持 完全赢得了路怒症群体的支持
People didn't even need to hear her policies, once they knew she was the person who flipped off Trump, they were like, "she's got my vote."
人们根本不需要听她的政策 一旦他们知道她向特朗普竖了中指 他们就会投票给她
Here's the best part. The district she now supervises includes one of trump's country clubs.
这里是最棒的部分 现在她监督的区域有一个特朗普的乡村俱乐部
Which means at trump's golf course, people are going to be like, "four!" and she's going to be like "uh-uh, one, bitch."
这意味着在特朗普的高尔夫球场 人们会说四个 她则会说 一个 小婊砸
Moving on. A toilet was unveiled this week that may soon enter the guinness book of world records.
接着看 本周一个面世的马桶 可能会很快写进吉尼斯世界纪录
Because the seat features more than forty-thousand diamonds, and the toilet is worth $1.3 million. Here it is here. Look at that.
因为这个马桶坐圈有超过四万颗钻石 它价值130万美元 就是这个
It's a record number of diamonds on a toilet seat.
By the way, the record for least number of diamonds on a toilet seat is "none," shared by every other toilet on earth.
顺便说一下 马桶上最少量的钻石是零 除这个意外所有的马桶都是
And this is nice, the toilet seat has so many diamonds that when the time is right, it can double as an engagement ring.
这很棒 这个马桶坐圈钻石辣莫多 时机恰当的话 它可以作为订婚戒指使用

重点单词   查看全部解释    
district ['distrikt]


n. 区,地区,行政区
vt. 把 ... 划

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

viral ['vairəl]


adj. 滤过性毒菌的,滤过性毒菌引起的

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

demographic [.di:mə'græfik]


adj. 人口统计学的

engagement [in'geidʒmənt]


n. 婚约,订婚,约会,约定,交战,雇用,(机器零件等)

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

recount [.ri:'kaunt]


vt. 详述,列举,重新计算
n. 重新计算





