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Let's jump right into the headlines. Of course the big news today is that Joe Biden is back after his campaign and he fizzled out last week.

直接开始头条 当然今天的大新闻是 乔拜登上周失败后 又回来了
Biden pulled off a stunning Super Tuesday comeback winning nine states.
拜登在“超级星期二”竞选中以惊人的优势反败为胜 拿下9个州
This means Biden has a very real chance of being the democratic nominee.
And one thing is for sure when it happens, those debates between Biden and Trump are definite going to need subtitles.
有一件事是肯定的 如果拜登成为了民主党总统候选人 他和特朗普之间的辩论肯定需要字幕
Can you imagine? After last night Biden has now surpassed Bernie Sanders in the total delegate count
你能想象吗 昨晚之后 拜登的党代表选票已经超过了伯尼·桑德斯
But what Bernie lacks in delegates, he more than makes up for it in crumbled crackers in his jacket pocket.
但是伯尼缺少的代表选票 他夹克口袋里的碎饼干就足以弥补
But Bernie Sanders isn't completely out of the race.
He won a number of states, including Vermont, Colorado and Utah
他赢得了一些州的选票 包括佛蒙特州 科罗拉多州和犹他州
so at the very least we know he is a hit with snowboarders, snowboarders and mormon snowboarders.
所以至少我们知道他很受滑雪板运动员的欢迎 滑雪板运动员和摩门教徒滑雪板运动员的欢迎
Here is how impressive joe Biden's victory was yesterday. He won five states he never even campaigned in.
乔·拜登昨日的胜利有多令人印象深刻呢 他赢得了五个他从未举行竞选活动的州的选票
Right i know Biden is frontrunner now but it can't be a great sign that his number one constituency is people who don't want to see or hear from Joe Biden.
是的 我知道拜登现在是领跑者 但这并不是一个好迹象 这表明他的头号选民是那些不想看到或听到乔·拜登讲话的人
All Joe Biden has to do is lay low in south America for the next eight months. He will beat Trump in a landslide.
乔·拜登需要做的就是在接下来的八个月里保持低调 这样他就能以压倒性优势击败特朗普
But not everybody had a good day. The candidate that had the most disappointing showing yesterday was billionaire Mike Bloomberg.
但并不是每个人都过得开森 表现最令人失望的候选人是迈克·布隆伯格
He did so poorly he dropped out of the race early in morning.
他表现很差 早上就出局了
First Tom Steyer dropped out. Now Bloomberg, billionaires just cannot catch a break these days, can they?
先是汤姆·施泰尔出局 现在是布隆伯格 亿万富翁们这些天好不了了 是吗
Bloomberg-- i know. It is heart breaking. Bloomberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money on his campaign.
布隆伯格 我知道 闻者伤心啊 布隆伯格在竞选活动中自掏腰包花了数百万美元
It just goes to show you, you can't buy the American presidency.
这件事告诉我们 美国总统是买不了滴
You can steal it with the help of Russians, but you can't buy it.
你可以在俄国的帮助下盗一个 你买不了
President Trump of course wasted no time mocking Bloomberg as the results were coming in last night.
昨晚选举结果出来后 特朗普总统当然立即就嘲笑了布隆伯格
The president tweeted the biggest loser tonight by far is Mini Mike Bloomberg.
总统发推说 今晚最大的输家是迷你迈克 布隆伯格
700 million dollars washed down the drain, and he got nothing for it but the nickname mini mike.
7亿美元进了下水道 而他除了绰号“迷你麦克”什么也没得到


You gave him the nickname. wasn't just assigned to him by the Democrats when he entered the race.

这是你给他起的绰号啊 这可不是民主党在他参加竞选时指派给他的
He didn't like, drop out and go, i get to keep the nickname, right?
他不会是 出局了 然后想 我得保留这个外号吗
Trump mocked Mike Bloomberg for losing millions. And it is embarrassing. It is.
川普嘲笑布隆伯格失去了数百万美元 这很尴尬 确实
The only more embarrassing way to lose money would be, i don't know, bankrupting a casino.
更尴尬的丢钱的方式是 我不知道 让一个赌场破产
Moving on, in other news, a recent audit revealed that school officials in Alabama spent $700,000 of taxpayer money on, get this, alcohol, online gambling and gentlemen's clubs.
接着看其他消息 一个最近的审查揭露 阿拉巴马的学校官员们把了70万美元的税收用在 买酒 网上赌博 和绅士俱乐部了
Still not as wasteful as the Bloomberg campaign.
The money was spent at a gentlemen's club, local bars and online gambling, or as the school officials call that, biology, sivegas and math.
钱花在了绅士俱乐部 当地酒吧 和网上赌博上面 或者据学校官员的说法 生物 酒 和数学
They blew money on Gentlemen's clubs. The accountants became suspicious when the school officials asked for all 700,000 in one.
他们把钱花在绅士俱乐部 当学校官员要求把全部70万美元一次性付清时 会计们开始怀疑了
And finally, here's the story for any frequent flyers out there.
最后 一条给经常坐飞机的人的消息
An airline in New Zealand would come up with a new way to allow economy clation flyers to sleep on long flights in tiny bunk beds.
新西兰一家航空公司将推出一种新方法 可使经济舱乘客在长途飞行时睡在狭小的上下铺上
Here say picture here. Look at that, there they are. All crammed together.
看看图片 看看 都挤一块了
There is obviously tiny bunker beds. Tiny bunk beds sounds way better than we gonna stacking you horizontally.
这个床真的是很小啊 这个说法要好过 我们要平着把你们塞进去要好
The airline will now stack you in bunk beds which is way more comfortable than the old way of doing it, shoving you into an overhead compartment.
这家航空公司要把你塞到小床上 这比之前的方式舒服多了 之前是把客人塞到行李架上

重点单词   查看全部解释    
landslide ['lændslaid]


n. 山崩 n. (竞选中)压倒多数的选票

disappointing [.disə'pɔintiŋ]


adj. 令人失望的 动词disappoint的现在分词

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的

delegate ['deligit]


n. 代表
vt. 派 ... 为代表,委派<

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

definite ['definit]


adj. 明确的,确切的,有把握的

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

drain [drein]


n. 下水道,排水沟,消耗
v. 耗尽,排出,


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