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Lots to talk about in the news. Let's get right into it.

今天有很多新闻 让我们直接开始吧
Of course tomorrow is another big primary day. With Democrats in six states going to the polls to pick their favorite presidential candidate.
当然明天又是一个重要的初选日 六个州的人将进行投票 选出他们最喜欢的民主党总统候选人
And according to experts, joe Biden could effectively lock up the nomination with a win over Bernie sanders in Michigan.
据专家表示 拜登在密歇根州击败伯尼·桑德斯后 可以锁定候选人提名
But Bernie's not going to go quietly. I mean that isn't a shock, he's never done anything quietly.
但是伯尼是不会善罢甘休的 这并不让人惊讶 他做事一直很高调
But he's not, Democratic insiders say joe Biden can effectively end the primary with a win in Michigan.
民主党内人士表示 乔拜登赢得密歇根州选票后就可以结束初选
When he heard that, Biden said i'm on it and headed straight to Montana.
拜登听到后 就说 我知道了 然后直接前往蒙大拿州
Meanwhile tension between the the two candidates is high.
The Bernie sanders campaign has accused joe Biden's campaign of trying to change the upcoming debate format from a standing debate to a seated one.
伯尼·桑德斯的竞选团队指责乔·拜登的竞选团队试图改变即将到来的辩论的形式 从站着辩论改为坐着辩论
Never a great sign when the top two democratic presidential candidates are arguing over which one of them is young and vibrant enough to stand up for two hours.
两位民主党总统候选人要争论的是谁年轻、精力充沛 可以站两个小时 这绝对不是一个好迹象
But this is a huge blow to Bernie sanders. As we all know, he waves his arms constantly when he talks.
但是坐着辩论对伯尼桑德斯打击很大 我们都知道 他讲话时经常挥动胳膊
But if you do that when are you sitting down it just looks like you're on a roller coaster.
但是在坐着的时候挥胳膊 看起来就像是坐在过山车上
Medicare for all! I don't know if this format is the best idea.
全民医保 我不知道坐着辩论是不是一个好点子
Unfortunately when these two sit next to each other Bernie and Biden just look like they're about to heckle the muppet show.
不幸的是 当这两个人坐在一起时 伯尼和拜登看起来就像是两个提线木偶在大吵大闹
While all of this is going on president Trump has had his hands full dealing with the coronavirus outbreak.
同时 特朗普总统正忙于应对冠状病毒的爆发
On Friday he was touring the centers for disease control in Atlanta where he wasted no time focusing on the issue at hand. I'm kidding.
周五 他参观了位于亚特兰大的疾病控制中心 在那里他正紧急关注手头的问题 我在开玩笑
He immediately started bragging. I really get it. They're surprised, i understand it, every one of these doctors say how do you know so much about this, maybe i have a natural ability.
他立刻开始吹牛 我真的明白 他们很惊讶 我能理解每个医生都说你怎么知道这么多 也许我就是有这个天赋吧
Maybe i should have done that instead of running for president.
或许我应该从医 而不是竞选总统
Now you think of that? Now you think of-- although the phrase people are really surprised, i understand this stuff, can apply to pretty much anything Donald Trump has the ability to grasp.
现在你这么想啊 这个句子 人们很惊讶 我能理解 几乎可以应用到任何川普可以理解的事情上


Trump says he has a natural ability to understand the coronavirus. Well, let's see, nobody likes it it.

川普说他有搞懂冠状病毒的天赋 我们来缕一缕 没人喜欢它
Half the world is afraid of it it. I can see why he can relate.
半个世界都害怕它 我知道这为什么和他有关了
I want to go out on a limb here and say it's probably just easier for the doctors to say how do you know so much about this,
我想说的是 相比说 不 先生 这与墨西哥啤酒无关
than it is for them to keep going no, sir, it has nothing to do with Mexican beer.
医生可能更容易说出 你是怎么知道这么多的
In a related story, apparently some people are trying to protect themselves from disease by creating their own homemade hand sanitizer out of liquor.
在一个相关的故事中 很明显 一些人试图通过用酒精自制洗手液来预防疾病
In response the vodka brand Titos went to tweet to tell people that its vodka is not strong enough to kill germs.
作为回应 伏特加品牌蒂托斯发推告诉人们 它家的伏特加不够强 不足以杀死细菌
Of course not. If vodka was a sanitizer every member of our band would live forever.
当然不是 如果伏特加可以消毒 那我们乐队的每个成员都能长生不老
Titos says the vodka isn't strong enough to kill germs, it's just strong enough to make you forget that this guy is in charge of keeping all of us healthy.
蒂托斯说 这种伏特加的烈度不足以杀死细菌 它只可以让你忘记是这个人在负责我们所有人的健康
And finally a semitruck in Australia carrying hundreds of rolls of toilet paper accidentally caught on fire, resulting in the toilet paper shipment burning for four hours.
最后一条 在澳大利亚 一辆载有数百卷厕纸的小卡车意外起火 导致厕纸燃烧了4个小时
Honestly, i just think the toilet paper found out what was going to happen to it and was like-- they're like guys, we got to set ourselves on fire!
老实说 我只是觉得厕纸发现他们会遭遇什么 就像——他们就想 伙计们 燃烧吧
A semitrailer full of toilet paper erupted into flames on a highway.
It's too bad, because up until then the toilet paper was really on a roll.
太糟糕了 因为在那之前 它们运气很棒 在卷轴上
Thank you. Don't clap because we've got like a hundred of them.
蟹蟹 别鼓掌 像这样的梗我们还有上百个
A four-hour toilet paper fire. If that sounds familiar, that's because it's also Del Taco's new advertising slogan.
厕纸燃烧了四小时 听起来耳熟 因为这也是的新广告语

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

limb [lim]


n. 枝干,树枝,肢体
vt. 切断(树枝,手

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

heckle ['hekl]


vt. 以麻梳梳理,激烈质问,使困惑

slogan ['sləugən]


n. 标语,口号

constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

vibrant ['vaibrənt]


adj. 震颤的,响亮的,充满活力的,精力充沛的,(色彩


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