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This first headline comes from CNN and it reads, "Colorado college offering a cannabis major."

第一条新闻来自CNN 科罗拉多大学开设大麻专业
That's the headline, but the honest headline should've read: "puff puff pass fail."
这是原来的标题 真正的标题应该是 吸一口判断挂不挂科
Here's another headline from CNN. It reads, "study finds that people lie to seem more honest."
这一条新闻也来自CNN 它写道 研究发现 人们说谎是为了显得更诚实
That's the headline, but the honest headline should've read "study finds you look great in that sweater."
这是原来的标题 真正的标题应该是 研究证明 你穿那件毛衣真好看
Here's a headline from the "New York Post." it reads, "tiger walks record 800 miles in search of sex."
这一条来自纽约邮报 它写道 老虎为了配对走了创纪录的800英里
That's the headline, but the honest headline should've read: "tiger breaks previous record held by young james corden."
这是原来的标题 真正的标题应该是 老虎打破了年轻的詹姆斯柯登的记录
Here's another from CNN. It reads, "KFC and Crocs created a fried chicken shoe."
这一条还来自CNN 它写道 肯德基和卡骆驰鞋厂推出了炸鸡鞋
That's the headline, but the honest headline should've read "perfect shoe developed for Guy Fieri."
这是原来的标题 真正的标题应该是 为盖伊·菲里设计的完美鞋子
Here's a headline from "Cosmopolitan." it reads, "vibrating seat turns stationary bike into sex toy."
这一条来自Cosmopolitan。它写道 振动座椅把健身车变成了性玩具
That's the headline, but the honest headline should've read "soulcycle was sooooo good today." sooooooo good!
这是原来的标题 真正的标题应该是 今天的动感单车真爽


Here's a headline from Fox News. It reads, "Amazon customer orders apple watch, gets $5 plunger instead."

这一条来自福克斯新闻 它写道 亚马逊用户下单苹果手表 收到的却是5美元的活塞
That's the headline, but the honest headline should've read "$5 plunger still more useful than apple watch."
这是原来的标题 真正的标题应该是 5美元的活塞都比苹果手机有用
And finally, here's a headline from "Mirror." it reads, "Tik Tok trend: men dipping testicles in soy sauce."
最后 这一条来自每日镜报 它写道 抖音热门话题 蛋蛋蘸酱
That's the headline, but the honest headline should've read "Tik Tok dingdong dimsum." we will be right back with more of "the late late show," everybody!
这是原来的标题 真正的标题应该是 抖音铃铛点心 稍后更多精彩

重点单词   查看全部解释    
trend [trend]


n. 趋势,倾向,方位
vi. 倾向,转向

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

stationary ['steiʃənəri]


adj. 不动的(稳定的)
n. 固定物(驻军


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