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Now Usher, you shared a adorable throwback photo of you here.

亚瑟 你分享了一张小时候的可爱照片
Look at-- this is usher right here. What is even happening?
这就是亚瑟 当时是什么情况
I mean what do you remember about this? First of all, there is a really important fact about this photo. You look at my brother's face.
你还记得拍这张照片时的情形吗 首先 关于这张照片有一个非常重要的事情 看看我弟弟的脸
That is jay, right, so my mother would only put us in shorts as kids. This is like the thing.
那是杰伊 小时候我母亲只让我们穿短裤 就是这么个事
She put him in a sailor's outfit. I know, she sold your brother out on this one, she really did.
她给我弟弟穿了水手服 我知道 她在这件事上出卖了你弟弟 是的
She wouldn't allow us to wear full pants until like six years old. So this is the first time i have ever worn slacks in a photo.
直到六岁 她才让我们穿长裤 所以这是我第一次穿长裤的照片
And look at how i am holding my jacket. Like look, i made it.
看看我的手摸衬衫的样子 我就在想 我做到了
Now you both-- you said it was around this age in the photos that you knew you were going to be a star.
你说过 大约在照片中大小的时候 你就知道你要成为一个明星了
Yeah, when i was six or seven. I think all kids have that great imagination of what they want to do sitting in class and jotting an autograph.
是的 大概六七岁的样子 我觉得所有的孩子都有丰富的想象力 想象着坐在教室里 随手给人签名
One day i will sign an autograph, you perform in the mirror.
我对着镜子讲 有一天我会给人签名的
These things we do. I am not the only one, am i?
就是这些我们做的事情 我不是唯一的一个对吗
No, yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, but that is the direct thinking of, that is what i would like to do, to knowing you will be a star.
当然 肯定的 那是很直接的想法 想做什么事情 知道自己会成为一个明星
How did you have that much confidence. Well, if you don't believe it, no one else will. right?
你怎么会这么有自信 如果你不相信的话 没人会相信的 是吧
But it was really my nanny who really, really spoke about what i could be.
但是 是我的奶奶真的跟我说过 我可以成为什么样的人


You can do whatever you want to do. Just dream and just think as big as you possibly can. And i did.

你可以做任何你想做的事情 只要有梦想 只要尽可能地去梦想 我确实这样做了
what about you, Alison, when did you know that you wanted to be an actor?
你呢 埃里森 你什么时候知道你想成为一个演员呢
I knew pretty early on. And then my-- i knew i wanted to perform.
我很早就知道了 我知道我想去表演
So i was like in ballet, in the choir, doing everything i could to get on stage and i loved it, i was like, mom, you can get paid for acting.
所以我参加了芭蕾舞团 唱诗班 尽我所能走上舞台 我很喜欢表演 我对妈妈说 你可以靠表演赚钱
It sounds like a job i would want. So she was like cool, cool, that sounds like a terrible idea.
听起来像是我想要的工作 她就说很棒 听起来是很糟的想法
So she got me a job as a background performer. We were known as extras back then.
她帮我找了一份后台表演者的工作 当时被称为临时演员
It was before any symbolic respect was even, sort of flick introduced. And it introduced the idea,
那时象征性的尊重都没有 它引入了这么一个概念
now whenever i see a green room that is not actually physically green, I would be disappointed.
现在每当我看到一个不是绿色的演员休息室的时候 我会失望的
Because my first green room was green, a really sordid jim Morrison on poster on the wall.
因为我的第一个演员休息室就是绿色的 墙上面有一张暗淡的吉姆莫里森的照片
And in the studio when the tune was on, the show kung fu: the legend continues with David Carradine. My favorite program growing up.
在戴维·卡拉丹参演的 功夫:传奇延续 这部电影 开拍的时候 这是我小时候最喜欢的节目
I was doing this museum thing pointing at-- in the background.
我要做的是在博物馆指着 在背景中表演
It's a really long day and seemed really pointless. And i was like this is the best.
那天很慢长 似乎真的没有意义 我的感觉就是 这是最棒的
And my mom was like bleep, this is boring, right? No, this is the amazing, yeah, yeah.
我妈妈就好像说 你不无聊吗 不会啊 这太棒了 是的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
symbolic [sim'bɔlik]


n. 代号 adj. 象征的,符号的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

choir [kwaiə]


n. 唱诗班,唱诗班的席位

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的




ballet ['bælei]


n. 芭蕾舞

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

sordid ['sɔ:did]


adj. 肮脏的,破烂的,利欲薰心的,色彩暗淡的

pointless ['pɔintlis]


adj. 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的


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