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Let's get into the news. Of course six states voted yesterday in the Democratic primary and it turned into another huge night for Joe Biden

直接开始新闻吧 当然昨天六个州进行了民主党初选 对乔拜登来说 又是一个盛大的夜晚
or as democrats are now calling it, fine, sure, if i have to vote for him i will.
或者按照民主党人现在的说法 如果我不得不给他投票的话 我就投吧
Just a couple of weeks ago people were saying that Joe Biden didn't have a chance but now it looks like he's running away with the nomination.
就在几周前 人们都说 拜登没什么机会 但是现在看起来他要赢得候选人提名了
Whether it is the campaign or his hairline, Joe Biden says the secret is to just keep plugging away.
不管是竞选活动 或者是他的发际线 拜登说 秘诀就是坚持搞下去
Bernie sanders performed so poorly last night that he had to give a press conference today saying that he is, in fact, staying in the race.
伯尼桑德斯昨晚的表现很差 他不得不今天开一个新闻发布会表示 他还在竞争候选人
Which means next Tuesday's primary might be Bernie's last stand. And by stand i mean slouch.
这意味着 下周二的初选 可能是伯尼的最后一站 我的意思是 没精打采的一站
After last night it is almost mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to catch up in delegates.
昨晚过后 理论上伯尼已经追不上了
But Bernie's platform includes free health care, free college and free child care, mathematical impossibilities are kind of Bernie's thing.
伯尼的纲领包括免费的医疗保健 免费的大学和免费的儿童看护 数学上的不可能性是伯尼的特色
In other news, an Easyjet plane was recently forced to turn back because of disruptive drunk passengers.
另一则新闻 最近一架易捷航空的飞机因为乘客醉酒捣乱而被迫返航
They turned back but once the plane had taken off and was in the air a second time
飞机返回了 但是第二次飞到空中后
they had to turn around again because of another totally separate group of drunk passengers.
飞机再次被迫返航 原因是出现了另一波醉酒捣乱的乘客
The plane was flying to Spain from Manchester, England. Because of course it was.
这架飞机是从英国曼彻斯特飞往西班牙 当然啦


I heard the story. I didn't even need to read the article to know that this flight originated in England.

我听过这个故事 我不需要读文章就知道 这个航班是从英国起飞的
But the airline is now making some changes. Easyjet just announced their new slogan, Easyjet, do not make me turn this plane around.
该航空公司现在做了一些改变 易捷刚宣布他们的新标语 易捷航空 别让我们的飞机掉头
Here's an interesting story. A bakery in London has launched a new line of eco-conscience baked goods designed to eliminate food waste.
这里有一个有趣的故事 伦敦一家面包店推出了一系列新的生态友好烘焙食品 旨在减少食物浪费
The bakeries were made from food items left over from the day before. Although it is little weird ordering from this bakery.
糕点是用前一天剩下的食物做的 虽然从这家面包店点餐有点奇怪
you are like, is this fresh baked or day old bread, and they're like yep.
你会问 这是新烤的面包还是旧面包 他们会这样
Sure, i mean here is the thing. When a bakery recycles food, it is environmentally friendly.
事情是这样的 面包店循环利用食物时 这对环境是友好的
When i eat one donut out of the trash I'm suddenly having a breakdown.
我吃一个从垃圾里搞来的甜甜圈 我会崩溃的
Food made from leftover waste it is a good idea but trust me, you do not want to order their everything bagel.
用剩下的东西做食物 这个点子不错 但是要相信我 不要只点百吉饼
Is that a band aid? And finally, because all the recent health concerns one restaurant has taken matters into their own hands to help protect customers from illness
这是一个创可贴吗 最后一条 基于现在人们对健康的担忧 餐厅开始采取措施保护他们的顾客
They are now requiring each diner to have a temperature reading at the front door.
If you have a fever, you will not be served. Turned away for being too hot. Welcome to my life.
如果你发烧的话 你就不能用餐 因为太火而被拒绝 欢迎来到我的世界
It is not the only restaurant taking precautions. Here is what KFC now looks like.
这不是唯一的测体温的餐厅 肯德基现在是这个样子

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

ordering ['ɔ:dəriŋ]


n. [计]定序;排序;订购 v. 命令;指挥;订购(o

disruptive [dis'rʌptiv]


adj. 破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

slouch [slautʃ]


n. 没精打采的样子,耷拉,笨人 v. 没精打采地站,坐


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