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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Welcome to the show. I am Ellen, it is The Ellen Show, the only talk show on TV hosted by a lesbian.

欢迎收看节目 我是艾伦 这里是艾伦秀 唯一在播的脱口秀 主持人是女同

And filmed by a lesbian as well. Shout out to my camera woman, Portia. Shout out.

拍摄人员也是女同 欢迎我的女摄影师 波西娅 欢迎

This has been a challenging time, to say the least.


We are filming this in the beginning of June.


And we don't know what the coming days and the weeks will bring.


But I have been saying this from the beginning, I am going to keep learning how to be a white ally for black people.

但我从一开始就说了 我要学习如何成为黑人的白人盟友

I am going to use my platform for change.


We've been filming from my house for about three months now.


And I love a lot about doing it here.


But there are a lot of things I miss about being in my studio.


Mostly, I have to be honest, mostly I miss my secret compartment in my chair where I kept my Virginia Slims.

说实话 很多时候我都很想念我椅子上的秘密隔间 那里面放着我的维珍妮香烟

Also, I miss my audience. When we're in the studio, it is an amazing thing.

此外 我还想念观众们 在演播室的时候 这一点特别好


There are people from every walk of life, from all over the world.

有来自社会各界 世界各地的人们

Literally, hundreds of strangers coming together to clap at me.

真的 几百名陌生人聚到一起 给我鼓掌

I miss them very much. My show wouldn't be what it is today without my audience.

我很想念他们 没有观众 我的节目不可能走到今天这一步

I have learned so much from them. Sometimes too much.

我从他们身上学到了好多 有时候学的过多

There's a game that we used to play.


tWitch, do you remember the game we played called "Survey Says What?"

推奇 你还记得我们玩过“调查表明啥”这个游戏吗

Yes. Yeah, "Survey Says What?" "Survey Says What?" Yeah. Yep. OK.

嗯 记得 “调查表明啥” “调查表明啥” 嗯 好

So "Survey Says What?" For instance, the time we played "Survey Says What?" and this happened.

“调查表明啥” 比如 又一次我们玩“调查表明啥” 发生了这一幕

How many people here have done it outside? Wow.


I'd say-- Ellen, I would say-- two--well-- 20 people here have done it outside.

我觉得 艾伦 我觉得有20人

20? 20. I'm going to-- well, one lady for sure has done it.

20?20 我觉得 至少一位女士做过

Because-- you've done it several times, obviously, because you're like that.

因为 你做过好多次了 很明显 你的样子

Like, like, that's all I do is outside, lady.

表明了 我只在野外做 女士

All right, so I'm going to, just because of her, I'm going to say higher.

好 就因为她 我觉得 我猜更高

I think it's more than 20 people. You say higher. Let's see what it is.

我觉得不止20人 你猜更高 我们来看看

What? Oh my God. What? Wow!

什么?天哪 啥 哇哦

All right. Wow. OK. Show of hands, how many people have done it outside?

好 哇哦 好 举手 多少人在外面做过

All right. Well, I know you have, lady.

好 我知道你做过 女士

This man in the blue shirt with a mustache.


No, on that row, Andy? Yes, you. Yeah. Uh-oh.

不对 那一排 安迪?对 你 嗯 啊哦

Hi. Hello. What's your name? Ken. All right, Ken.

嗨 哈喽 你叫什么?Ken 好 Ken

So Ken, how many times have you done it outside? I'm too old to count them.

Ken 你在外面做过多少次?我老的数不过来了

I see. I see. All right. And I was much younger.

明白 明白 好 我那时候年轻得多

You were much younger. It's been a little while? Mm, a little while.

你那时候年轻得多 过去有段时间了?嗯 有段时间了

Yeah? A year? May-- maybe less. Wow!

嗯?一年吗?可能 可能不到一年 哇哦

Nobody is more excited about the hiking trails opening up than Ken.

登山路线开放的时候 没有人比Ken还激动了

That surprised me. But one time, I got to surprise my audience.

我挺惊讶的 不过有一次 我让观众们惊讶了

This was mean and fun. And take a look.

这有点刻薄 不过很好玩 看一下

All right, for the win. No pressure. So whoever I pick over here--

好 赢了的人 不要有压力 不管我选了谁

It's going to-- well, they may not get it and then it's tied.

也许他们答不上来 然后就平局了

You in the green t-shirt right there, sir. Yes. Glazed. Glaze? Yeah. Donut.

那边穿绿色T恤的男士 对 光滑的 光滑的?对 甜甜圈

All right, you're the winners. You each get-- congratulations.

好 你们赢了 每人将获得 恭喜

All of you, all of you are getting a $100 Visa gift card.

所有人 所有人都将获得一张100美元的礼品卡

This side is not going home empty-handed. It was kind of a flip-a-rooney.

这边的观众也不会空手而归的 有点像波浪起伏啊

You're all getting 12 Days Giveaways tickets.


Oh, that's so awesome. I know!

哦 太棒了 我懂!

Are you-- You are too!

你们 你们也有!

Oh, I remember that like it was yesterday. Mostly because my ears are still ringing.

哦 我还记得那一幕 就像昨天才发生的 多数是因为我的耳朵还在轰轰响

I want to thank my audiences for all the wonderful times that we've had over the years.

我想为这些年我们有过的美好时光 谢谢我的观众们

I miss you. I can't wait to see all of you again. We'll probably be different people.

我想你们 真想快点再见到你们 到时候我们可能就不一样了

I say "all of you," but my audience is a group of people. Lucky for me, Andy is here.

我说“你们所有人” 不过我的观众是一群人 幸运的是 安迪在这儿

I don't think he's left my yard in three months. Are things OK at home?

我感觉他这三个月一直都住在我后院里 家里还好吗?

Not great. Yeah. But I'm looking forward to reconnecting. OK.

不太好 嗯 不过我期待着回归家庭 好

Well, are they, though? That's a-- that's a great question. That's a good question.

不过 他们期待吗?这个问题问得好 那是个好问题

Andy's a big part of my show these days.

这些天 安迪在节目里扮演了重要角色

I mentioned that we should start calling it "The Ellen and Andy Show."


So we went ahead and made some new opening titles.


Take a look, won't you? Go back and put the shoes on.

来看一下吧 去把鞋子穿上

重点单词   查看全部解释    
glaze [gleiz]


v. 装以玻璃,上釉,变得光滑,变呆滞 n. 釉,覆罩的

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

mustache [mə'stɑ:ʃ, 'mʌstæʃ]


n. 胡子,髭

ally [ə'lai]


n. 同盟者,同盟国,伙伴
v. (使)结盟,

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

platform ['plætfɔ:m]


n. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲

survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

challenging ['tʃælindʒiŋ]


adj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂





