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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Now like wheat chex and bourbon, my first guest tonight, our perfect weekday morning combo.

就像小麦奶酪和波本威士忌一样 我今晚的第一个嘉宾 完美的工作日早餐搭配
Together they serve as executive producers and hosts of Live with Kelly and Ryan.
It airs Monday through Friday in Syndication. Please welcome Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest.
周一至周五在辛迪加播出 欢迎凯莉·里帕和瑞安·西克雷斯特
Thank you for being on the show. I've known you've had me on your show. It's nice to be on the other side of the glass.
谢谢你们来参加我们的节目 我知道你已经邀请我参加你们节目了 在玻璃的另一边不错哟
Is it really, Sebastian? I gotta tell you you are so elegant at night.
真的吗 塞巴斯蒂安?我必须跟你说 你晚上的时候真的很气质
This is an evening Sebastian Maniscalco. This is a sophisticated Maniscalco, Ryan. Do you understand? We're getting...
这是晚上的塞巴斯蒂安·马尼斯科 一个老练的马尼斯科 瑞安 你懂吗 我们……
Last time we saw him, he was in a bookstore. I think you were in a barnes and noble last time we saw you.
上次我们看见他 他在一家书店 上次我们看见你 你好像在巴诺书店
Right. Right.
是的 没错
Yeah, that happened to be my home.
嗯 书店碰巧就是我家
But I wanna start the interview and this is my first time interviewing people and I get two at once.
不过今天的访谈从……这是我第一次做访谈 还一次访谈俩个嘉宾
I wanna go with Ryan because I know if we go with Kelly first we're not going to hear from Ryan.
我想就先从瑞安开始吧 因为我知道 如果从凯莉开始的话我们就听不到瑞安的访谈了
How fast you figured that out?
Give me my one question and then we'll go.
I'll give you one question. We all know, you got tons of jobs and what have you...
我会问你一个问题 我们都知道……你知道 你有很多工作要做 ……
I'm waking up at 6 00 a.m in the morning, because I got two kids.
我早上6点起床 因为我有俩孩子
What time are you getting up number one and number two what are you taking to stay up?
你什么时候起床 这是第一个问题 第二个问题:你是怎么保持熬夜状态的
I need a nap at noon. Are you on some special seacrest juice?
我中午的时候都需要打个盹儿 你是有什么神奇的秘制果汁吗
I'm gonna give you the whole routine. And i'll tell you about the juice.
整个的时间安排我都会跟你讲 还会告诉你我的秘制果汁配方
So 4:30 is when the alarm goes off but at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 I wake up thinking it's not going to go off.
所以闹钟定的是4:30 但是1:30、2:30、3:30的时候我就开始醒着纠结闹钟会不会响
So that's the schedule overnight. Then it starts with a tea and two very strong coffees with nothing in it.
这就是整晚的作息 然后喝上一杯茶以及两杯不加任何东西的浓咖啡
And then I arrive and Kelly has seen all of these different fluids.
再然后我到了公司 凯莉就看到了各式液体
I have a matcha tea. I have water. I have coffee. I have...what's hibiscus hibiscus and chamomile...
all kinds of things that I sip on during the show. But not Bourbon.
各种我在节目期间要喝的东西 不过没有波旁威士忌
So you basically drink everything I make fun of.
Yes, that's right. And for dinner it's a green juice.
是的 没错 晚餐喝的是一种绿色果汁


Wow, that's impressive. I'm impressed Ryan. I also want to get to Kelly.

哇哦 震惊 瑞安真是给我留下了深刻印象 接下来和凯莉谈谈
Kelly, are you waking up at 4am? What's your schedule like now that it's the pandemic you're with your family? What's going on over there?
凯莉 你凌晨4点就起床了吗 新冠期间你和家人的作息是怎样的 一般都做些什么
I'm very codependent. So I wake up when Ryan wakes up.
我有严重的互赖症 所以瑞安醒的时候我也会醒
But I wake up...since he has to wake up at 4:30 to do the show.
You know, he's on east coast time. But he's living on the west coast.
你知道 他要跟着东海岸的时间走 但是他住在西海岸
I wake up at 4:30 east coast time. Just so I can suffer along with him.
我在东海岸时间4:30醒 这样就能和他一起痛苦了
Because I am codependent. And I can't have him suffering alone.
因为我有互赖症嘛 我不能让他一个人痛苦
But unlike Ryan, I eat solid food. I am not on an all-liquid diet.
但我和瑞安不同的是 我吃固体食物 我对流质食物不感兴趣
I am on an all-carbohydrate diet. That's what's changed during the pandemic.
我的饮食全是碳水化合物 这也是新冠期间改变的
Well, I got to tell you. You both look fantastic. I do watch your show.
嗯 不得不说 你俩都太棒了 我确实有看你们的节目
I do notice you have some problems sometimes with internet at your house.
And then you have to go elsewhere to possibly do.
What's going on with the internet? Are you still up on a dial up? What is happening?
Kelly actually has gone down the whole block, right? Aren't you at someone...down the block.
(为了寻找信号)凯莉其实已经走遍了整片街区了 是吧 你……
I'm living with...uh, well, now i'm back down to three adult children.
我和……呃 嗯 我回来和三个成年的孩子一起住了
We did have five adult children living in the house, and some of them have jobs, and some of them are still in school.
我们屋现在住着五个成年的孩子 有的已经上班了 有的还在上学
So when i'm working, they're also working.
所以我工作的时候 他们也工作
But I keep telling them i'm like whoever works on cameras job is the most important job.
但是我一直跟他们讲 说摄影工作才是最重要的工作
So please stay off the internet from nine until at least 11:30.
Listen, I think you're thinking the internet acts like the water in your house where you flush the toilet.
听着 我想你肯定觉得自个儿家的网就跟浴室的水一样
And you lose pressure in the shower. I don't think that's really the case.
正洗着澡呢水没了 情况真的很像
Our house is so poorly constructed Sebastian that when I flush the toilet the television flippers. And i'm not kidding.
我们家的房子结构很差 塞巴斯蒂安 我冲厕所的时候电视都震翻了 没开玩笑
Well, listen guys, we all miss you on in the actual studio.
嗯 听着伙计们 我们真的很想念演播室里的你们
Is there a date where you guys are going to be reunited back in New York or are we just doing this from home until 2028?
你们有回到纽约的一个具体日期吗 还是说我们要一直等到2028年
Well, we we started this in March. And you know one of the things that we love most is the interaction that we get to have,
嗯 我们从三月份的时候就一直是这种状态 你知道 我们最爱的事情之一就是跟大家互动
Because we have plenty of conversations just before the show and then of course we have the conversations on the show.
因为节目开始前我们有很多对话 当然 做节目的时候也有很多对话
And as of now, they're telling us what till September that we'd be back in the studio in some September.
目前为止 他们跟我们说要等到九月回到演播室 ……九月
Yeah. Early september is what they're telling us. I'm not coming back if I have to wear pants or bottoms of any kind.
是的 他们说是九月初 如果让我必须穿裤子什么的我是不会回去的
I like this from the waist up sort of thing that we're doing.
So I think that we should build a studio where you can't see what we're wearing from the waist down.
That's the only way I'm coming back.
I think a lot of people are going to enjoy that. So we're really looking forward to your return to TV.
我想很多人会喜欢那种的 所以我们非常期待你们的回归
I'm so grateful that you took some time out of your busy schedule to be with me here on jimmy kimmel live. Thank you so much.
非常感谢你们能在百忙之中抽出时间来参加我们吉米鸡毛秀节目 非常感谢
You're honest. We love you buddy. We're big fans. Thanks for having us.
你太真诚了 我们爱你 我们是你的超粉 谢谢邀请我们
Love you too guys. Thank you.
我也爱你们 谢谢
You look like a hollywood star.
Oh, you're so sweet.
哦 真会说话
Kelly, I'll see you in a few hours.
凯莉 几小时后见
Okay, honey.
好的 亲爱的
We'll be right back with J.J Watt. I always wanted to do that.
我们下期的嘉宾是J.J.瓦特 早就想访谈他了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
watt [wɔt]


n. 瓦特

flush [flʌʃ]


v. 奔流,发红,冲洗,迅速流过
n. 脸红,

sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid]


adj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,精密的,老练的,尖端的

grateful ['greitfəl]


adj. 感激的,感谢的



vt. 构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct

pandemic [pæn'demik]


adj. 全国流行的 n. (全国或全世界范围流行的)疾

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

interaction [.intə'rækʃən]


n. 相互作用,相互影响,互动交流

sip [sip]


n. 啜饮
v. 啜饮,啜

wheat [wi:t]


n. 小麦,小麦色





