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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"What are you doing, Sire?" asked Jewel sharply."陛下,你在干吗?"独角兽警惕地问道。
"Drawing my sword to smite off the head of the accursed Ass," said Tirian in a terrible voice. "Stand clear, girl.""拔出我的剑来,砍掉这该死的驴子的脑袋,"蒂莲用可怕的声音说,"闪开,小姑娘。"
"Oh don't, please don't," said Jill. "Really, you mustn't. It wasn't his fault. It was all the Ape. He didn't know any better. And he's very sorry. And he's a nice Donkey. His name's Puzzle. And I've got my arms round his neck.""啊,别,请你别杀它,"吉尔说,"说真的,你不能杀它。这可不是它的过错。全是无尾猿搞的鬼。它可没有看透。它是十分懊恼的。它是十分懊恼的。它是一头不坏的驴子。它的名字叫迷惑。我的双臂抱着它的颈子哩。"
"Jill," said Tirian, "you are the bravest and most woodwise of all my subjects, but also the most malapert and disobedient. Well: let the Ass live. What have you to say for yourself, Ass?""吉尔,"蒂莲说道,"你是我的一切国民中最勇敢最聪明的人,但也是最鲁莽最不听话的人。得了,就饶这驴子一命吧。驴子,你可有什么话要为你自己辩护的?"
"Me, Sire?" came the Donkey's voice. "I'm sure I'm very sorry if I've done wrong. The Ape said Aslan wanted me to dress up like that. And I thought he'd know. I'm not clever like him. I only did what I was told. It wasn't any fun for me living in that stable. I don't even know what's been going on outside. He never let me out except for a minute or two at night. Some days they forgot to give me any water too.""陛下,我吗?"传来了驴子的声音,"如果我犯了错误,我相信我是十分懊悔的。无尾猿说,阿斯兰要我这样穿衣打扮。我以为无尾猿会知道的。我不及无尾猿聪明。我只不过是干了它叫我干的事。生活在马厩里,我自己可毫无趣味。我甚至连外边正发生什么事也不知道。除了夜间出去一两分钟,无尾猿从来不放我出去。有些日子,他们连水也忘了给我喝。"
"Sire," said Jewel. "Those Dwarfs are coming nearer and nearer. Do we want to meet them?""陛下,"珍宝说,"小矮人们正愈走愈近,我们要跟他们见面吗?"
Tirian thought for a moment and then suddenly gave a great laugh out loud. Then he spoke, not this time in a whisper. "By the Lion," he said, "I am growing slow witted! Meet them? Certainly we will meet them. We will meet anyone now. We have this Ass to show them. Let them see the thing they have feared and bowed to. We can show them the truth of the Ape's vile plot. His secret's out. The tide's turned. Tomorrow we shall hang that Ape on the highest tree in Narnia. No more whispering and skulking and disguises. Where are these honest Dwarfs? We have good news for them."蒂莲思索了一会儿,接着就扬声大笑。于是他说话了,这回可不是压低声音的耳语。"狮王在上,"他说,"我变得脑子迟钝了!跟他们见面吗?我们一定要跟他们见面。现在我们要跟任何人见面。我们要把这驴子给他们看看,让他们看看以前他们曾经害怕的曾经向它卑躬屈膝的东西。我们可以拆穿无尾猿邪恶阴谋的真相。它的秘密暴露无遗。潮流变了。明天我们要把无尾猿悬挂在纳尼亚最高的树木上。再也用不着切窃私语、偷偷摸摸和乔装改扮了。那些诚实的小矮人在哪儿?我们有好消息告诉他们。"
When you have been whispering for hours the mere sound of anyone talking out loud has a wonderfully stirring effect. The whole party began talking and laughing: even Puzzle lifted up his head and gave a grand Haw-hee-haw-hee-hee; a thing the Ape hadn't allowed him to do for days. Then they set off in the direction of the drumming. It grew steadily louder and soon they could see torchlight as well. They came out on one of those rough roads (we should hardly call them roads at all in England) which ran through Lantern Waste. And there, marching sturdily along, were about thirty Dwarfs, all with their little spades and mattocks over their shoulders. Two armed Calormenes led the column and two more brought up the rear.好几个钟头一直低声耳语,任何人响亮的讲话声都有一种神奇的激动人心的效果。大伙儿开始说说笑笑,甚至迷惑也抬起脑袋,发出一种洪亮的声音"哈一唏一哈一唏一唏I"无尾猿已有好几天不准它这样呜叫了。接着,他们就朝着鼓声的方向走去。鼓声稳定地愈来愈响,不久他们就看得见火炬了。贯穿灯柱野林的,有好几条高低不平的道路(在英国,我们就不该管它们叫道路了),他们从其中一条道路上走来。壮健地迈步向前的,是三十名光景的小矮人,肩上都扛着小铁锹和鹤嘴锄。两个武装的卡乐门人带头走在纵队的前面,还有两个卡乐门人殿后。
"Stay!" thundered Tirian as he stepped out on the road. "Stay, soldiers. Whither do you lead these Narnian Dwarfs and by whose orders?""站住!"蒂莲走上大路,雷鸣似的喝道,"站住,士兵们,你们把这些纳尼亚小矮人带到哪儿去?是谁下的命令?

"What are you doing, Sire?" asked Jewel sharply.
"Drawing my sword to smite off the head of the accursed Ass," said Tirian in a terrible voice. "Stand clear, girl."
"Oh don't, please don't," said Jill. "Really, you mustn't. It wasn't his fault. It was all the Ape. He didn't know any better. And he's very sorry. And he's a nice Donkey. His name's Puzzle. And I've got my arms round his neck."
"Jill," said Tirian, "you are the bravest and most woodwise of all my subjects, but also the most malapert and disobedient. Well: let the Ass live. What have you to say for yourself, Ass?"
"Me, Sire?" came the Donkey's voice. "I'm sure I'm very sorry if I've done wrong. The Ape said Aslan wanted me to dress up like that. And I thought he'd know. I'm not clever like him. I only did what I was told. It wasn't any fun for me living in that stable. I don't even know what's been going on outside. He never let me out except for a minute or two at night. Some days they forgot to give me any water too."
"Sire," said Jewel. "Those Dwarfs are coming nearer and nearer. Do we want to meet them?"
Tirian thought for a moment and then suddenly gave a great laugh out loud. Then he spoke, not this time in a whisper. "By the Lion," he said, "I am growing slow witted! Meet them? Certainly we will meet them. We will meet anyone now. We have this Ass to show them. Let them see the thing they have feared and bowed to. We can show them the truth of the Ape's vile plot. His secret's out. The tide's turned. Tomorrow we shall hang that Ape on the highest tree in Narnia. No more whispering and skulking and disguises. Where are these honest Dwarfs? We have good news for them."
When you have been whispering for hours the mere sound of anyone talking out loud has a wonderfully stirring effect. The whole party began talking and laughing: even Puzzle lifted up his head and gave a grand Haw-hee-haw-hee-hee; a thing the Ape hadn't allowed him to do for days. Then they set off in the direction of the drumming. It grew steadily louder and soon they could see torchlight as well. They came out on one of those rough roads (we should hardly call them roads at all in England) which ran through Lantern Waste. And there, marching sturdily along, were about thirty Dwarfs, all with their little spades and mattocks over their shoulders. Two armed Calormenes led the column and two more brought up the rear.
"Stay!" thundered Tirian as he stepped out on the road. "Stay, soldiers. Whither do you lead these Narnian Dwarfs and by whose orders?"


重点单词   查看全部解释    
stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

fault [fɔ:lt]


n. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声

plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘

column ['kɔləm]


n. 柱,圆柱,柱形物,专栏,栏,列

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

vile [vail]


adj. 恶劣的,简陋的,低廉的


关键字: 国王 最后一战 小说




