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'Good gracious me!' stammered Mr Toots. 'What a complication of misery! How-de-do? I - I - I'm afraid you must have got very wet. Captain Gills, will you allow me a word in the shop?'“我的天哪!”图茨先生结结巴巴地说道,”不幸的事情是多么错综复杂!您好!我--我--我担心您一定浑身湿透了。吉尔斯船长,您允许我在店铺里跟您说一句话吗?”
He took the Captain by the coat, and going out with him whispered:他抓住船长的外套,跟他出去的时候低声问道:
'That then, Captain Gills, is the party you spoke of, when you said that he and Miss Dombey were made for one another?'“这么说,吉尔斯船长,这就是您曾说过,他跟董贝小姐是天造地设的一对那个人吗?”
'Why, ay, my lad,' replied the disconsolate Captain; 'I was of that mind once.'“唔,是的,我的孩子,”闷闷不乐的船长回答道,”我曾经一度这样想过。”
'And at this time!' exclaimed Mr Toots, with his hand to his forehead again. 'Of all others! - a hated rival! At least, he ain't a hated rival,' said Mr Toots, stopping short, on second thoughts, and taking away his hand; 'what should I hate him for? No. If my affection has been truly disinterested, Captain Gills, let me prove it now!'“偏偏在这个时候!”图茨先生又用手抱住前额,大声喊道,”而不是在其他任何时候!--一个可恨的情敌!”图茨先生重新思索了一下之后,突然停住,把手从前额上拿下来,说道,”至少,他对我来说不是个可恨的情敌;如果我的爱情真正是无私的话,那么我为什么要恨他呢?不!吉尔斯船长,现在让我来证明这一点吧!”
Mr Toots shot back abruptly into the parlour, and said, wringing Walter by the hand: 'How-de-do? I hope you didn't take any cold. I - I shall be very glad if you'll give me the pleasure of your acquaintance. I wish you many happy returns of the day. Upon my word and honour,' said Mr Toots, warming as he became better acquainted with Walter's face and figure, 'I'm very glad to see you!'图茨先生突然间又冲进客厅,紧握着沃尔特的手,说道:”您好!我希望您别着凉了!如果您允许我跟您认识的话,那么我--我将感到很高兴。我祝您长命百岁。说实话,我以荣誉发誓,”图茨先生把沃尔特的脸孔与身材好好端详了一番之后,满脸通红地说道,”我很高兴见到您!”
'Thank you, heartily,' said Walter. 'I couldn't desire a more genuine and genial welcome.'“衷心感谢您,”沃尔特说道,”我不能指望得到比这更真诚、更友好的欢迎了。”
'Couldn't you, though?' said Mr Toots, still shaking his hand. 'It's very kind of you. I'm much obliged to you. How-de-do? I hope you left everybody quite well over the - that is, upon the - I mean wherever you came from last, you know.'“真的吗?”图茨先生握着他的手,说道,”您真客气。我非常感谢您。您好吗?我希望,您走了以后所有的人都很健康,就是说,--您知道,我的意思是说,不论您最近从哪里来。”
All these good wishes, and better intentions, Walter responded to manfully.沃尔特以男子汉大丈夫的气概回答了所有这些良好的祝愿和更良好的意愿。
'Captain Gills,' said Mr Toots, 'I should wish to be strictly honourable; but I trust I may be allowed now, to allude to a certain subject that - '“吉尔斯船长,”图茨先生说道,”我希望我能严格地遵守信义,但是我希望您能允许我现在提到某一个话题--”
'Ay, ay, my lad,' returned the Captain. 'Freely, freely.'“可以,可以,我的孩子,”船长回答道,”随便说吧,随便说吧。”
'Then, Captain Gills,' said Mr Toots, 'and Lieutenant Walters - are you aware that the most dreadful circumstances have been happening at Mr Dombey's house, and that Miss Dombey herself has left her father, who, in my opinion,' said Mr Toots, with great excitement, 'is a Brute, that it would be a flattery to call a - a marble monument, or a bird of prey, - and that she is not to be found, and has gone no one knows where?'“那么我就说吧,吉尔斯船长和沃尔特斯上尉,”图茨先生说道,”你们可知道,董贝先生家里发生了一桩最可怕的事件:董贝小姐已经离开了她的父亲?在我看来,”图茨先生十分激动地说道,”她的父亲是一头畜牲!如果把他称为一块--一块大理石纪念碑或是一只猛禽,那就是对他的奉承了。现在找不到她,谁也不知道她到哪里去了。”
'May I ask how you heard this?' inquired Walter.“我是不是可以问一下,您怎么听到这个消息的?”沃尔特问道。
'Lieutenant Walters,' said Mr Toots, who had arrived at that appellation by a process peculiar to himself; probably by jumbling up his Christian name with the seafaring profession, and supposing some relationship between him and the Captain, which would extend, as a matter of course, to their titles; 'Lieutenant Walters, I can have no objection to make a straightforward reply. The fact is, that feeling extremely interested in everything that relates to Miss Dombey - not for any selfish reason, Lieutenant Walters, for I am well aware that the most able thing I could do for all parties would be to put an end to my existence, which can only be regarded as an inconvenience - I have been in the habit of bestowing a trifle now and then upon a footman; a most respectable young man, of the name of Towlinson, who has lived in the family some time; and Towlinson informed me, yesterday evening, that this was the state of things. Since which, Captain Gills - and Lieutenant Walters - I have been perfectly frantic, and have been lying down on the sofa all night, the Ruin you behold.'“沃尔特斯上尉,”图茨先生说道;他根据只有他自己才明白的独特的理由,采用了这个称呼,可能是把沃尔特的基督教名跟航海职业联系起来的缘故,同时推测他跟船长有些亲戚关系,于是就自然而然地引伸出他们的职衔来;”沃尔特斯上尉,我可以直截了当地回答您。事实是,由于我对董贝小姐有关的一切事情都极感兴趣--这决不是出于任何自私自利的原因,沃尔特斯上尉,因为我很清楚,我最能使所有各方都满意的事就是把我这个可以称为障碍的生命结束了--,我习惯于不时给一位仆人送点小费;他是一位品行端正的年轻人,姓托林森,在那个家里已服务很久了;昨天晚上托林森告诉我,事情的状况就是这样。从那时起,吉尔斯船长--和沃尔特斯上尉--我完全疯狂了,整夜躺在沙发上,现在你们看到的就是这个形容枯槁的骨头架子。”
'Mr Toots,' said Walter, 'I am happy to be able to relieve your mind. Pray calm yourself. Miss Dombey is safe and well.'“图茨先生,”沃尔特说道,”我很高兴能让您放心。请您平静下来。董贝小姐安全无恙。”
'Sir!' cried Mr Toots, starting from his chair and shaking hands with him anew, 'the relief is so excessive, and unspeakable, that if you were to tell me now that Miss Dombey was married even, I could smile. Yes, Captain Gills,' said Mr Toots, appealing to him, 'upon my soul and body, I really think, whatever I might do to myself immediately afterwards, that I could smile, I am so relieved.'“先生!”图茨先生从椅子中跳了起来,喊道,一边重新跟他握手,”这真是个极大的、难以形容的安慰呀;如果您现在就是告诉我董贝小姐已经结婚了,那么我也能微笑了。是的,吉尔斯船长,”图茨先生对他说道,”以我的灵魂与肉体发誓,不论在这之后我紧接着会对自己做什么,我确实认为,我能微笑了,我是感到多么安慰啊。”
'It will be a greater relief and delight still, to such a generous mind as yours,' said Walter, not at all slow in returning his greeting, 'to find that you can render service to Miss Dombey. Captain Cuttle, will you have the kindness to take Mr Toots upstairs?'“您是个胸怀豁达的人,”沃尔特毫不迟疑地回答了他的问候,说道,”当您知道您可以为董贝小姐效劳时,您将会感到更大的安慰与喜悦的。卡特尔船长,劳驾您把图茨先生领到楼上去好吗?”
'Good gracious me!' stammered Mr Toots. 'What a complication of misery! How-de-do? I - I - I'm afraid you must have got very wet. Captain Gills, will you allow me a word in the shop?'
He took the Captain by the coat, and going out with him whispered:
'That then, Captain Gills, is the party you spoke of, when you said that he and Miss Dombey were made for one another?'
'Why, ay, my lad,' replied the disconsolate Captain; 'I was of that mind once.'
'And at this time!' exclaimed Mr Toots, with his hand to his forehead again. 'Of all others! - a hated rival! At least, he ain't a hated rival,' said Mr Toots, stopping short, on second thoughts, and taking away his hand; 'what should I hate him for? No. If my affection has been truly disinterested, Captain Gills, let me prove it now!'
Mr Toots shot back abruptly into the parlour, and said, wringing Walter by the hand: 'How-de-do? I hope you didn't take any cold. I - I shall be very glad if you'll give me the pleasure of your acquaintance. I wish you many happy returns of the day. Upon my word and honour,' said Mr Toots, warming as he became better acquainted with Walter's face and figure, 'I'm very glad to see you!'
'Thank you, heartily,' said Walter. 'I couldn't desire a more genuine and genial welcome.'
'Couldn't you, though?' said Mr Toots, still shaking his hand. 'It's very kind of you. I'm much obliged to you. How-de-do? I hope you left everybody quite well over the - that is, upon the - I mean wherever you came from last, you know.'
All these good wishes, and better intentions, Walter responded to manfully.
'Captain Gills,' said Mr Toots, 'I should wish to be strictly honourable; but I trust I may be allowed now, to allude to a certain subject that - '
'Ay, ay, my lad,' returned the Captain. 'Freely, freely.'
'Then, Captain Gills,' said Mr Toots, 'and Lieutenant Walters - are you aware that the most dreadful circumstances have been happening at Mr Dombey's house, and that Miss Dombey herself has left her father, who, in my opinion,' said Mr Toots, with great excitement, 'is a Brute, that it would be a flattery to call a - a marble monument, or a bird of prey, - and that she is not to be found, and has gone no one knows where?'
'May I ask how you heard this?' inquired Walter.
'Lieutenant Walters,' said Mr Toots, who had arrived at that appellation by a process peculiar to himself; probably by jumbling up his Christian name with the seafaring profession, and supposing some relationship between him and the Captain, which would extend, as a matter of course, to their titles; 'Lieutenant Walters, I can have no objection to make a straightforward reply. The fact is, that feeling extremely interested in everything that relates to Miss Dombey - not for any selfish reason, Lieutenant Walters, for I am well aware that the most able thing I could do for all parties would be to put an end to my existence, which can only be regarded as an inconvenience - I have been in the habit of bestowing a trifle now and then upon a footman; a most respectable young man, of the name of Towlinson, who has lived in the family some time; and Towlinson informed me, yesterday evening, that this was the state of things. Since which, Captain Gills - and Lieutenant Walters - I have been perfectly frantic, and have been lying down on the sofa all night, the Ruin you behold.'
'Mr Toots,' said Walter, 'I am happy to be able to relieve your mind. Pray calm yourself. Miss Dombey is safe and well.'
'Sir!' cried Mr Toots, starting from his chair and shaking hands with him anew, 'the relief is so excessive, and unspeakable, that if you were to tell me now that Miss Dombey was married even, I could smile. Yes, Captain Gills,' said Mr Toots, appealing to him, 'upon my soul and body, I really think, whatever I might do to myself immediately afterwards, that I could smile, I am so relieved.'
'It will be a greater relief and delight still, to such a generous mind as yours,' said Walter, not at all slow in returning his greeting, 'to find that you can render service to Miss Dombey. Captain Cuttle, will you have the kindness to take Mr Toots upstairs?'


重点单词   查看全部解释    
genial ['dʒi:njəl]


adj. 和蔼的,亲切的,宜人的

appealing [ə'pi:liŋ]


adj. 引起兴趣的,动人的

excessive [ik'sesiv]


adj. 过多的,过分的

misery ['mizəri]


n. 痛苦,悲惨的境遇,苦难

acquainted [ə'kweintid]


adj. 有知识的,熟悉的,了解的 动词acquaint

generous ['dʒenərəs]


adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的

objection [əb'dʒekʃən]


n. 反对,异议

frantic ['fræntik]


adj. 疯狂的,狂乱的

complication [.kɔmpli'keiʃən]


n. 复杂,并发症,纠纷

genuine ['dʒenjuin]


adj. 真正的,真实的,真诚的





