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来源:alex 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

奇花异草  exotic flowers and herbs
波光鳞鳞 sparkling
苍松翠柏 green pines and cypresses
层峦叠嶂 range upon range of mountains the hues rise around

姹紫嫣红 a blaze of bright colours / colourful
崇山峻岭 steep mountains
传移景幻 Each turn of the belt afford different scenery
纯洁 purity
雕梁画栋 carved beams and painted pillars
洞天福地 scenery of exceptional charm
阴云避日 over cast

飞流急湍 whirl pools and rapids
峰回路转 the path running twist among the peaks
高超工艺 exquisite workmanship
古香古色 be of antique beauty
华丽的 gorgeous
极目远眺 look as far as the eye can see
金碧辉煌 splendid and magnificent
尽收眼底 hold a panoramic view
惊叹不已 be marveled / marvel at
惊涛拍岸 ranging waves pond on the banks

乐不思蜀 too delighted to be homesick
玲珑剔透 exquisitely carved
绿水清山 green hills and clear waters
掮客骚人 manive letters
奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks
奇珍异宝 real treasure
巧妙设计 well designed
青山不断 green hill rode on endlessly

清澈见底 limpid
曲折 tortuous
群山环抱 surrounded by mountains
日出日落的壮丽景色 the glory of the sunrise or sunset
如诗的 poetic
山峦叠翠 range upon the range of green hills
山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers/landscape

闪闪发光 glittering / sparking / twinkling
赏心悦目 delightful
天方夜谭 the Arabian Nights
天下奇观 wonder/marvelous spectacle
蜿蜒流淌的河水 winding river
威然屹立 towering
蔚为壮观 splendid, spectacular
闻名遐迩 known far and wide/famous/world renowned

关键字: 日语 会话 经典 话题




